Damp Eggplant

Monolith Grinder
Mar 10, 2020


Years of Mono

Hey Monolith,

They says it’s hard to say hello but harder to say goodbye. Hopefully my goodbye won’t come soon. It’s funny because I was really only gone since early March but it feels like a lifetime ago. I started a little over a year ago and I grinded my way up to the top. I remember I started my money making in monolith by making and selling aks- a very laborious process. After saving enough a decent amount, I bought a lancer. After saving some more money and shifting my gun production to g36s I soon gained a decent chunk of money. I began grinding lsd and raiding- in which I eventually bought my first big boi car- a corvette. After grinding lsd for a while I finally got to the level of cocaine. It is funny how quickly your monolith experience changes when you get to cocaine level. You make money super fast and you soon rise to stardom. I started gaining millions and yes I said millions- I spent I believe 3 million dollars in one day buying an Fnf, numerous phys gun gems, guns, hats, and exotics. After a while of grinding I also bought a skyline- which is the best car ever. I soon started raiding quite frequently- and I soon switched favorite guns. I used to love the g36, because my old org- the Family - used to use it a lot. But then since I was richer I soon started using my now personal favorite- the ACR. Say what you will about it but it is the best gun... and the sound it makes is just sooo clean. Anyways up until February and January I soon realized I wanted to start leveling up my cop levels. I had been level 2 and in a matter of weeks I became level 75. On March 7, my friend and I did something stupid as swat- we hit someone’s car- which prompted a 5 day blacklist. This threw me off the edge and I raged in discord and now I am currently banned in game for a period of time that I am not sure how long it is.

Also - I would like to say this about myself. I treat everyone with respect that treats me with respect and allows me a fair chance to prove myself. Anyone that disrespects me does not earn my respect- this is my philosophy and I believe it promotes a sense of self value and self confidence. What I am trying to say is, if you were nice to me, I was the chillest dude to you. If you weren’t, then so be it.
- Damp Eggplant

Jimmy Jimson

Monolith Veteran
Nov 15, 2018


Years of Mono

Welcome back!