1. Do you meet all of our requirements [Y/N] YES
2. Please complete the following
2a : Screenshot of Bank https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....845/4814FEBEC4E0AE4EF34EA717BD6BDA082ED13F04/
2b : Screenshot of Skills -https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/949580646106129211/772B8EAB534629DDCF0049A16F093F82D0A086FC/
3. Why should we pick you
[cause i could be a good help to your gang ima good raider and i can make yall guns
4. What divison are you applying for
[" Secruity "]
Dear applicant, we have decided that you are fit for our organization and will be placed into the rankings of security Please contact me to arrange a time for the interview make sure you read the handbook and guidelines if you fail to do so your position will be terminated.