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Monolith Newcomer
Oct 21, 2018


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: King of NA
Your Steam ID: 76561197977736539
Your Character Name: Naim Priest

Ban Length: 3 Days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @officernoodles

Ban Reason: ERP (Should be Mic Spam, not ERP)
Time of Occurrence: 4:40 PM EDT
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing: @WeeTerror

I made random noises, (Non Sexual) it was eating noises. Then this cop was like "Imma drag your ass into jail if you don't stop." and then I said "imma drag your ass into an ass". After that the admin drags me and says read ERP rules I tell him I already know that and I was eating a chocolate. After that he said "Then why did you say imma make you cum in my ass" which I never did, told him multiple times I was eating a chocolate (I will admit I was very unprofessional in this sit, but it was Mic Spam and not ERP.) then later bans me for 3 days (which I personally don't think is fair for a first time offender.) I thought it was a 3 hour ban not a 3 day. I tried to talk to him on discord but told me to appeal if I think it was unfair. So, now I am here. I would like a reduced banned to like 3 or 5 hours which I wouldn't mind, cause I did break a rule not gonna lie.


Monolith Addict
Sep 10, 2017


Years of Mono

I was sitting in noclip in PD listening to an officer and then you ran in making licking, smacking, and heavy breathing sounds while you rammed your character up against an officer's private areas. I asked over discord for another staff to come TP to me. @SpacedSloth teleported and we waited for you to do it again. When the officer went outside you did it again for a solid 10 seconds. While the officer was trying to walk away you continued to ram your character into his private areas. At that point we both deemed it ERP. I tried to be kind with you and put you on top of Town Hall and gave you a chance to read the rules about ERP. You continued to argue with me and refused to read the rule so I issued the ban instead. Give me a good reason as to why you should be unbanned or even have the ban lowered. I want a paragraph about how you understand the ERP rules now ( with an example ), how it will never happen again, and a sincere apology for your attitude as well as breaking the rules in this manner. If you can do those things then I'll consider unbanning you.


Monolith Newcomer
Oct 21, 2018


Years of Mono

I was sitting in noclip in PD listening to an officer and then you ran in making licking, smacking, and heavy breathing sounds while you rammed your character up against an officer's private areas. I asked over discord for another staff to come TP to me. @SpacedSloth teleported and we waited for you to do it again. When the officer went outside you did it again for a solid 10 seconds. While the officer was trying to walk away you continued to ram your character into his private areas. At that point we both deemed it ERP. I tried to be kind with you and put you on top of Town Hall and gave you a chance to read the rules about ERP. You continued to argue with me and refused to read the rule so I issued the ban instead. Give me a good reason as to why you should be unbanned or even have the ban lowered. I want a paragraph about how you understand the ERP rules now ( with an example ), how it will never happen again, and a sincere apology for your attitude as well as breaking the rules in this manner. If you can do those things then I'll consider unbanning you.

The reason why I think I should be unbanned because I was making these noises and did it to weird other people out but I can 100% see why this will be considered as ERP mainly because I was super close to the cop and was making noises that can be considered as sexual. ERP is Erotic Roleplay, for those who don't know what erotic rp is its sexual stuff. Examples of ERP are: dating, having sex in private or public areas, or even making sexual noises like moaning). Reason why ERP is most likely implemented is to prevent sexual harassment, rape, etc. I'm sorry for making these sexual noises and disturbing the peace, I will make sure not to break it again or any rule now and forward. This is my sincere apology and explanation of what ERP is and why it can potentially be bad.


Monolith Addict
Sep 10, 2017


Years of Mono

Ban Appeal Accepted

I hope you learned from this incident. If this happens again the punishment will be much more severe
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