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Monolith Veteran
Aug 21, 2018


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: (λ)KuroShukun
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29489979
Your Character Name: Kuro Shukun

Which Staff blacklisted you: TXFURRYDUDE
What were you blacklisted from: Police Officer

Blacklist Length: 30 days

Blacklist Reason: A Player report handled against me. Fail Rp, Power Gaming, A link to the report against me:

Unblacklist Reason:
The video of the traffic stop, i cannot remember all the events before/after. It appears i was radioed in on a traffic stop, i was nearby and decided to assist.
When i arrive, i do not know the people who are on foot at the scene. Due to Monolith County AND Pine County on the server map being extremely dangerous (compared to a modern U.S. City/county)
I quickly detained/sometimes taze people when i feel they might be trying to interfere/distract an officer from a traffic stop in order to harm them as i thought that guy i tazed might of been doing.
There are many time befores that when i gave them too much time to comply, i get killed. I have to protect myself and others at a Police Scene.
I arrested the man for obstructing justice because i had a cuffed suspect under arrest, and he would not leave the Police Scene. Due to certain players that i may deal with, i might be more strict
and quick to act, as officers are in real life. From my understanding at that time, a lockpick is a illegal item.

The second video at the arrival at PD, I used non-lethal force because i could not get into the doorway, and it appeared that the player(s) were blocking it (Resisting Arrest).
I may often tell people that i am going to give them 60 years (60 minutes) just to intimidate/troll them. If that is against the rules, i knew not at the time.
In the interrogation room i often play music to makes things more fun rather than just putting someone in prison with a charge on their record instantly. I may sometimes ask crazy question
to confuse players and/or gian information on someone, i try to RP a bit, instead of just booking people instantly and they having a record. My interrogations may last up to 15 minutes, but which most
of the time i will release the player with no charge, due to them being detained/arrested for that long. To me i feel that is better than just throwing people in prison so quickly.
In many situations i may verbally troll with my words "You shut your mouth when you are talking to me lol" And other qoutes i may use, is this against the server rules?
The guy in the video claims i have nothing to arrest them for, but that isn't the fact to me at that time, I had the video maker arrested for Obstructing Justice, when he interfered with the arrest
of the other guy. So many times do i see players interfere with an arrest/detainment i make that results in them killing me, so i have to act to protect myself, and i also have to charge to teach people
to leave a Police Scene, unless they just want to be arrested. I need to know my mistakes in detail so i can know what im doing wrong, i try to screw around and rp within the server rules at the same time.

As far as i understand, i am allowed to search anyone who is under arrest for a crime.
I often detain players who are around the crime scene for my safety and theirs, due Monolith County AND Pine County on the server map being extremely dangerous (compared to most U.S. territories)
These detainments may lead me to search them QUICKLY for a "safety search".
From what i understand: The police can also do a "safety search" if:
they have reasonable grounds to believe that there is an imminent threat to the safety of the police or the public, and
the search is necessary to eliminate the threat.
I took him as a threat because i have no clue if he is going to knife/gun me down as what happens often in Monolith/Pine County
I do not always arrest people for illegal items i find during these "safety searches" but sometimes i do.

Time of Occurrence: 01-01-2021 Handled report viewed by me at 01-07-2021
Additional members involved/witnessing: n/a
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: Yes
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Monolith Specialist
May 1, 2019


Years of Mono

As i was one of the persons witnessing/being victim, i would like to add some few notes regarding this player actions:
First thing I would like to say is that I am not the kind of grief-stricken person who wants someone to get hurt and be punished severely just because they made a mistake, however this dude over here cleary does not understand what he has done wrong and still argues that all his actions were normal. From this perspective, as soon as his PD Blacklist goes over, he will do the same things again and again, harming even more people RP with his abusive attitudes.

When i arrive, i do not know the people who are on foot at the scene. Due to Monolith County AND Pine County on the server map being extremely dangerous (compared to a modern U.S. City/county)
I quickly detained/sometimes taze people when i feel they might be trying to interfere/distract an officer from a traffic stop in order to harm them as i thought that guy i tazed might of been doing.
If you are afraid that someone might injure you at a traffic stop, you must communicate on the radio by notifying nearby units to help you. And you know how to differentiate when the risk of someone killing you getting out of the car is greater or not, as in pursuits for example. In my case, I committed a traffic violation, answered your pull over requests and even got out of the vehicle to talk to you and at no moment i resisted at all. But yet you tazed and random search me. Let me remember what the rules states:
You may not perform random searches unless you have reasonable suspicions or concrete evidence of crimes being committed.

At any moment i did commit any crime or i did a very severe traffic violation, thats why you released me shortly after searching me because you knew that i had not committed a crime and so i could not be arrested anything.

With the whole situation under control, you needlesly still detain another random that I had no connection to, since it was just a damn traffic stop. You literally lose all attention on me and turn to that other player just because you've search him and found a lockpick on him, even though he is not involved in any crime or situation. It is not possible to see this situation in any other way than Powergaming. You literally look for a reason to search others players needlesly, find ilegal shit on them and arrest people unnecessarily. If I happened to have anything illegal at that time, you would arrest me even though the initial situation started from a simple traffic stop.

to confuse players and/or gian information on someone, i try to RP a bit, instead of just booking people instantly and they having a record. My interrogations may last up to 15 minutes, but which most
In the interrogation room i often play music to makes things more fun rather than just putting someone in prison with a charge on their record instantly. I may sometimes ask crazy question
I was already expecting you to say that your actions would be justified as some weird sort of "rp enhancement" "make it funny" and bs like that, then i ask you: funny to who?
How do you consider that situation so unrealistic and forced as a "diversified PR"? you re "enhancing rp" by mocking and upsetting others, taking time and disturbing people's RPs.
You also pretend to say that it was some sort of interrogation -> Yes, what a nice interrogation.
Just as a note, I would rather be arrested for those 15mins or even more instead of having to witness such an absurd scene like that.

The guy in the video claims i have nothing to arrest them for, but that isn't the fact to me at that time, I had the video maker arrested for Obstructing Justice, when he interfered with the arrest
of the other guy. So many times do i see players interfere with an arrest/detainment i make that results in them killing me, so i have to act to protect myself, and i also have to charge to teach people
The thing is: What was the reason for that other player was being arrested? Possesion of a contraband? sure ... what was the reason you had to have searched him in the first place?

From what i understand: The police can also do a "safety search" if:
they have reasonable grounds to believe that there is an imminent threat to the safety of the police or the public, and
the search is necessary to eliminate the threat.
need to know my mistakes in detail so i can know what im doing wrong, i try to screw around and rp within the server rules at the same time.

You re right, but how i who fulfilled your orders and complied all the time without resistance, was posting as a threat to you? Or was that other pedestrian just passing by, being a threat to you?
how you even say this, dont you saw the video and your actions? how do you still pretend you havent done anything wrong..

And last
i may verbally troll with my words
i try to screw around
just to intimidate/troll them
You dont need to act as a douche if you want to be respected as a good PD roleplayer/officer, i havent seem any of your PD coleagues act the you do. If its so hard to understand the toxicity of your actions then you re not prepared to do get in any PD job. In fact, you claim that "the city is so violent", "cops are often shot in that situations", if that is true then its because of people like you who is looking for a reason to unnecessarily arrest and search people, leading them to fear police stops and resort to killing Cops in these situations.
To the admin who is going to review his appeal, i just would like to give my view from the situation, from someone who really felt very upset and annoyed with all that weird situation he made.


Monolith Veteran
Aug 21, 2018


Years of Mono

As i was one of the persons witnessing/being victim, i would like to add some few notes regarding this player actions:
First thing I would like to say is that I am not the kind of grief-stricken person who wants someone to get hurt and be punished severely just because they made a mistake, however this dude over here cleary does not understand what he has done wrong and still argues that all his actions were normal. From this perspective, as soon as his PD Blacklist goes over, he will do the same things again and again, harming even more people RP with his abusive attitudes.

If you are afraid that someone might injure you at a traffic stop, you must communicate on the radio by notifying nearby units to help you. And you know how to differentiate when the risk of someone killing you getting out of the car is greater or not, as in pursuits for example. In my case, I committed a traffic violation, answered your pull over requests and even got out of the vehicle to talk to you and at no moment i resisted at all. But yet you tazed and random search me. Let me remember what the rules states:
You may not perform random searches unless you have reasonable suspicions or concrete evidence of crimes being committed.

At any moment i did commit any crime or i did a very severe traffic violation, thats why you released me shortly after searching me because you knew that i had not committed a crime and so i could not be arrested anything.

With the whole situation under control, you needlesly still detain another random that I had no connection to, since it was just a damn traffic stop. You literally lose all attention on me and turn to that other player just because you've search him and found a lockpick on him, even though he is not involved in any crime or situation. It is not possible to see this situation in any other way than Powergaming. You literally look for a reason to search others players needlesly, find ilegal shit on them and arrest people unnecessarily. If I happened to have anything illegal at that time, you would arrest me even though the initial situation started from a simple traffic stop.

I was already expecting you to say that your actions would be justified as some weird sort of "rp enhancement" "make it funny" and bs like that, then i ask you: funny to who?
How do you consider that situation so unrealistic and forced as a "diversified PR"? you re "enhancing rp" by mocking and upsetting others, taking time and disturbing people's RPs.
You also pretend to say that it was some sort of interrogation -> Yes, what a nice interrogation.
Just as a note, I would rather be arrested for those 15mins or even more instead of having to witness such an absurd scene like that.

The thing is: What was the reason for that other player was being arrested? Possesion of a contraband? sure ... what was the reason you had to have searched him in the first place?

You re right, but how i who fulfilled your orders and complied all the time without resistance, was posting as a threat to you? Or was that other pedestrian just passing by, being a threat to you?
how you even say this, dont you saw the video and your actions? how do you still pretend you havent done anything wrong..

And last

You dont need to act as a douche if you want to be respected as a good PD roleplayer/officer, i havent seem any of your PD coleagues act the you do. If its so hard to understand the toxicity of your actions then you re not prepared to do get in any PD job. In fact, you claim that "the city is so violent", "cops are often shot in that situations", if that is true then its because of people like you who is looking for a reason to unnecessarily arrest and search people, leading them to fear police stops and resort to killing Cops in these situations.
To the admin who is going to review his appeal, i just would like to give my view from the situation, from someone who really felt very upset and annoyed with all that weird situation he made.
Many things you have said is just strictly your opinion, some may think its funny, some not, the fact is i had a reason to detain/search, because i felt my life was in danger due to me being gunned down 1/2 of the traffic stops i make, and i had suspicion that a crime was going to be commited. The following (interfering with an investigation) (Obstructing Justice) (Assault of an LEO) (Murder of an LEO) these crimes happen so often at the most simple police scenes that Monolith RP officers need to protect themselves quickly. As for the guy who was recording the video, he should of never exited his vehicle during a traffic stop, all events that happened beyond him exiting the vehicle is HIS FAULT. You do not get out of the car when an officer is pulling you over. I defend myself with explanations either right or wrong so people can understand my mentality on why i did what i did. I was making no attempt to violate server rules AT ALL. Those 2 i arrested were not even in the interrogation room 5 minutes, and i then release them with no charges in their record, because the charges were so small, but still arrestable. I could have been a dick like many other cops on the server, and just give them way too many minutes in prison for petty charges, and/or forced tickets, but i did not. You seem to personally dis-like me in my opinion.


Monolith Veteran
Aug 21, 2018


Years of Mono

How in the world am i acting like a douche when i have legit charges with players that i could of booked them for, but instead i hold them in the interrogation room, mess with them a bit for not even 5 minutes, then release them with no charges on their record. I felt the taze i did when i arrive at the traffic scene was justified because, when i arrive at the police scene there is a man on foot the road, running around my vehicle, i don't even see the Sheriff Deputy anywhere, i'm already thinking he might of got knifed or something. I tazed him because i thought he was trying to or already attacked/fled from law enforcement, i then dragged him out of the road to a safer area, tried to figure out what was going on. I see another person approaching the scene too close for my comfort, he then reaches into his pockets (In Inventory) to me that is a MAJOR threat at a police scene, i believed that someone was reaching for a deadly weapon to use against LEOs. A Detain/search for weapons of the person is justified. You can blame the RDMers and players who don't even want to talk or reason with any cops in RP, and instead just find any RP reason to kill an LEOs for my quick defensive actions. But at the same time, these guys that might have tried to reason with officers before, might of experienced some dick head officer, arresting them for nothing, and giving then a rediculous amount of time in prison. Me trying to avoid yet another respawn timer, using Laws/server rules the best way i understand (im definitely not always perfect) is being punished severely. There have been times during my session of gameplay on the server where i have spent more time waiting to respawn than actual gameplay. I get tired of getting merked constantly, i use highly defensive tactics. I may goof off with players and mess around at times, but i am trying to stay within the server rules with that.


Monolith Veteran
Aug 6, 2017


Years of Mono

After reviewing your appeal, I do not really get the impression that you are going to change your behavior when playing cop, and realize that the way you acted in that sit was wrong and unnecessary. As a result, I am going to deny this appeal.
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