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Vig Rollins

Monolith Pleb
Jun 25, 2018


Years of Mono

Steam Name: literally ur dad
Your SteamID32: STEAM_1:0:42337526
Your Character Name: Michael Sartorri
Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member: @Backflare
Ban Reason: /ad Abuse and Staff disrespect
Unban Reason:
Everything started while I was in the mines, gathering some ores. I placed an ad that was in regards to the politics of Monoford, as there had been a lot of police abuse happening in the streets and word was getting around. Backflare tp'd to me and told me that the ad I had taken out was /ad abuse. For the record, the ad in question was as follows: "anyone who mains cop is bitchmade". Given the context, it made sense since there were other ads discussing the political nature of police at that time. I was not the first, nor the last person to direct an ad at this subject in chat.

Now, I feel that it's important for me to further clarify why I believe my ad was not /ad abuse: It's perfectly normal for people to take out political advertisements within all sorts of platforms. Calling police officers "bitches", while certainly crude, is certainly a platform that one could advertise, and since there are very loose censorship laws in Monoford, what I did was legal. Backflare made the argument that my phrasing "anyone who mains cop" is meta and out of character, but I simply explain this as slang meant to appeal to a younger, hip advertising audience. All in all, I feel that everything I had done was justified within character. I explained all of the context I just explained here to Backflare, to which he replied, "Welp, okay I'm gonna give you a 3 day /ad blacklist". That's it. He stopped talking and I could see he started typing to deliver the punishment. This was only happening, it seemed, because I had struck a nerve with him. This wasn't the first time Backflare specifically cracked down on me for speaking out against police on Monolith. Is it at all relevant that Backflare plays as a cop almost exclusively on the server? Is it at all possible that he took my in-character insult personally and it influenced his decision making in the sit with me? Considering the disgusting growth of cop worship culture in America I believe it's certainly possible. I've seen crypto-authoritarian and fascist sympathizers get much angrier over much pettier on the internet.

Anyways, given the unjust nature of the situation I was frustrated, and in my frustration I called him a bitch. And to that, I apologize. I was frustrated with the evident fact that you weren't interested in hearing any of my reasoning before doling out your punishment, and I should have just waited and made a forum thread to discuss things on a more transparent platform. Calling you names doesn't accomplish anything, and I'm sorry. I don't think a 3 day ban is really necessary given the circumstances, I'm willing to apologize and hopefully we can both move past this.

Time of Occurrence: 8:00 PM 4/2/20
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes


Monolith Senior
Jul 11, 2018


Years of Mono

After talking with a SA who knows about your previous rule breaks I have decided since it seems that you have not learned from your past and keep being disrespectful towards staff that I will be denying this and will also be increasing your ban from 3 days to 2 weeks.

2.1.7 You may only use adverts to advertise your business or similar. Think of the advertisements like an advert within the newspapers - keep it realistic. It is not required to advertise a raid, robbery or something similar to these.

Furthermore your attempts to move the blame from yourself onto me with your "Backflare did it because I hurt his feelings" routine shows that you have not accepted that what you did was against the rules and another reason as to why i will deny this appeal.

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