Event Announcement:
In the aftermath of The Purge, Monoford has been invaded and occupied by a mysterious foreign power. The revolution has already begun, and all able-bodied citizens of Monoford have been called to arms to defeat the occupation. Grab your guns and ammo and come assist the fight for freedom!
When is it?
The Revolution will take place on Saturday, June 13th at 5 PM EST(Chronus Countdown).
The Rules:
- You cannot use a job to retrieve weapons, items, or anything else that would allow you to kill or harm players. You must use what is at your independent disposal.
- There will be a safe zone at spawn locations for players who die or do not wish to participate. Players who are actively still participating cannot enter this area and cannot interact with this area once the event begins. You will be stripped of your weapons and taken out of the event if you do otherwise.
- We ask that you do not complain about your items being taken or destroyed by others while this event is active. You will have plenty of time to pickup any items and deposit them to your bank.
- You cannot go out of the safe zone(s) to participate in the event then run back in.
- ... more rules may and will be added before the event starts in game. This is just a base rule-set.
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