So, here's the thing. I'm not trying to be offensive here, I'm not trying to get anyone into any form of trouble, but at the same
time I feel like making one of these does just that. I am just trying to have a civil conversation with anyone who's willing to listen. That being said, let's discuss the reason I'm writing this, and why you are reading it. Earlier this morning at around 1:45 am EST I was involved in a failrp situation, where I was in the wrong. I am completely aware of this and I entirely deserved the warning points. However, Tyler, being the one who handled the report made on me after the whole thing went down, handled it in a way I didn't agree with. I understand that not agreeing with something doesn't necessarily mean it is wrong, so let's have a bit of a discussion about it.
So here is what happened for some context. I had stolen a car, and after driving it around for a while the owner and his friend found me and kidnapped me. They brought me back to mesa apartments and held me at gunpoint, telling me to drop the $10,000 that I had on me (while being kidnapped, a mini fridge that I had for sale was purchased, and that's the reason I had so much on me). I actually called on my radio to my organization while they had me unziptied, so technically that was fearrp there as well. So then I quickly bound "say !drop 1" to a key using the console, and spammed the button, dropping one dollar per press. This was blatantly stallingrp, but honestly 10k is a lot to lose.
Anyway, when slowly dropping said money I lockpicked the front door of the apartment. While my captors were picking up the pile of one dollar bills that I was spamming and looking away, I ran out the door. I ran for a good amount of time and one of my org guys pulled up. Apparently he, in his own stupidity, vdmed one of my captors. This is where the situation came to a halt and Tyler was called to the scene. Meanwhile, I deposited my money, and knowing that Tyler was called, I ran back over to where my org guy ran over the kidnapper.
After being revived the kidnapper told his side of the story. After of listening to their side, he decided to award me with two warning points, which banned me for 18 hours since for whatever reason the warns I've had for months are still counted as active. The video shows what happened throughout the sit, and as I stated in the video, Tyler seems to have some kind of vendetta against me, not too sure why. He doesn't like me, and seems to always find a way to screw me over. Maybe it's just a lack of communication, and if this is the case I would like a bit more communication coming from him in the future.