
Monolith Rookie
Jul 18, 2017


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name:Opsprey
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80373747
Your Character Name: John Frank

Target Steam Name: Lamb
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:167683509
Target Character Name (if known): Grutle Chorf (changed name from Rex Harrison)

Request reason: VID 1- Fail RP, Breaking Fear RP. VID 2- Stalling RP, Breaking Character
When did the situation occur?: VID1- Jan 16th. VID 2- Today
Your evidence to support your claim:
Additional members involved/witnessing: @xd

Video 1-Happened Jan 16th but I had not uploaded it/ Didn't have full details on player
Video 2- I made a report but closed it soon after because my video had not uploaded.


Monolith Addict
Jul 16, 2017


Years of Mono

The first video shows (in my opinion no FearRP), as for you can not aim at someone while you and the fugitive are both running, sure I may have stopped for a second but I continued moving trying to explain that I had already been put in jail for what you we're probably arresting me for (trying to lie), The second video today I know I shouldn't have stalled RP but I knew that you saw my name tag and looked and saw the WANTED symbol above it, someone said that I made a 911 call but once we arrived at the police station but you had no idea why I was being arrested proving that you did metagame.

EDIT: @sp00fy handled my ticket about me saying that you metagamed by looking at the wanted sign, but for some reason that is allowed. I don't know if an admin handled your ticket.
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Monolith Rookie
Jul 18, 2017


Years of Mono

The first video and second videos were never handled by staff as I didn’t have the video uploaded and didn’t have time to make the report on forums until today. The second video you were saying I was “metagaming” and your report was handled by a mod saying it was a legit arrest. I closed my report after because I had not had the video uploaded of you stalling rp and breaking character.
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Monolith Veteran
Jun 21, 2017


Years of Mono

This report is currently under review.


Monolith Veteran
Jun 21, 2017


Years of Mono


As one can see very clearly in these two videos, Lamb (xd) broke Fear Role-Play, he Failed To Value Life, Fail Role-Played, Minged and Stalling Role-Play.

Rule 2.11 states:
  1. You must correctly follow FearRP when a situation calls for it, like when you are being held at gunpoint. Act like your character would in such a situation realistically. However, if you have your weapon out on safety, you are allowed to attack someone who is aiming straight at you.
As one can see in the video, Lamb decided to evade from Opsprey, even though Opsprey had his gun out, and aimed it directly at Lamb.

Also, Lamb. In the video one can see that the officer (Opsprey) killed the other person, before telling you to take your hands up.
Secondly, one can clearly see that you stood still when Opsprey told you to take your hands up; thus what you are saying is false. You were not running once Opsprey had his gun aimed at you, neither did the other fugitive.
The only exception for when you do not have to follow FearRP is when you are being shot at. Then one are free to run away as one see fit, but for this situation, Lamb should have obeyed Opsprey's commands.
Nonetheless, Lamb decided to make a run for it, and whilst doing so, Opsprey had his gun aimed at Lamb, thus Lamb disobeyed the rule of FearRP.
One could perhaps say that breaking FearRP, and Failing to Value Life goes under the same circumstances, and this would be semi-correct.
Seeing as there are no specific rules for FATVL, one should always remember the first, and perhaps the most important rule;

Rule 1.1 states:
  1. Your expected behaviour is not limited to the rules below. Use common sense, when in doubt if something you are doing might be against the rules, it could very well be. If you have any doubt, contact a staff member.
If you are not valuing your life, you are not using common sense.

Lamb decided as mentioned above to evade a gunman whom had his gun aimed at Lamb at all times, thus Lamb failed to value his life, seeing as the gunman (here: Opsprey) could have pulled the trigger and the victim (here: Lamb) would have died because of these actions which he so committed.
Rule 2.20 states:
  1. Do not FailRP - doing something which is not realistic, if it can be solved in character then it is not deemed to be FailRP.
Seeing as Lamb decided to jump out of the police cruiser twice even though Lamb was handcuffed, he quite clearly Fail Role-Played. Seeing as jumping out of a police cruiser with your handcuffs on are not deemed realistic, and our rules forbid it from being committed.

Minging would also fall under this rule, seeing as Lamb did this multiple times, and tried to walk away after doing so.
Rule 4.1 states:
  1. Do not “stall” a roleplay situation for too long just to get out of trouble easily.
Just to get this part clear: If you are wanted by the police and a police officer sees your wanted tag above your head, he is not meta-gaming. Here is one example:
"Person A is wanted by the police and is currently at the supermarket. Then a cop comes to the supermarket, and sees the wanted sign above his head. The cop is then allowed to arrest the wanted person A, seeing as the police officer would have heard about the warrant set for person A's arrest prior."

Lamb as seen in his comment above committed to stalling Role-Play seeing as Lamb meant that the police officer meta-gamed by seeing the wanted sign above Lamb's character.

Seeing as Lamb has been making multiple reports about players breaking FearRP, Fail-RP'ing etc. one would have thought that he knew some of these rules before committing them himself.
Taking everything as mentioned above into consideration, and checking Lamb's previous history of rule-breaks and warnings,

Lamb will be punished for breaking the following rules: 2.11, 1.1, 2.20 & 4.1.


Monolith Administrator and Report Management