Your Steam Name: Arrow
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:28619661
Your Character Name: Alec Stele
Ban Length: 2months i have 1m 2weeks left
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): gregg
Ban Reason: being toxic in advert. i accidentaly adverted something to prove a point in a sit that if u ad for something illegal u can be arrested for it.
May i have a reduction? on the ban maybe to a week or something i mean someone got a week ban for aactually joking about rape i saw and he got a reduction down to 3 days. It was my first ban and i dont see why its so long when that guy did worse yet got 1w.
cmon man its christmas plos reducey
Time of Occurrence: like november or something
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:28619661
Your Character Name: Alec Stele
Ban Length: 2months i have 1m 2weeks left
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): gregg
Ban Reason: being toxic in advert. i accidentaly adverted something to prove a point in a sit that if u ad for something illegal u can be arrested for it.
May i have a reduction? on the ban maybe to a week or something i mean someone got a week ban for aactually joking about rape i saw and he got a reduction down to 3 days. It was my first ban and i dont see why its so long when that guy did worse yet got 1w.
cmon man its christmas plos reducey
Time of Occurrence: like november or something
Relevant Evidence:
Additional members involved/witnessing: