In-Game name: Edward Applebottom (Now Antonino Bonaventura
Steam name: Onami
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56282984
Date and time of loss: July 10th, 9pm (New York time)
What happened: Server crashed when I had my AR-15 out with a pinpoint scope along with 4,050$ I had just robbed from someone
What do you need refunded: AR-15 with point scope and 4,050$
Steam name: Onami
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56282984
Date and time of loss: July 10th, 9pm (New York time)
What happened: Server crashed when I had my AR-15 out with a pinpoint scope along with 4,050$ I had just robbed from someone
What do you need refunded: AR-15 with point scope and 4,050$