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Hector Cooper III

Monolith Pleb
Dec 14, 2016


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name:nooodle
Your Steam ID:
Your Character Name (Hector Cooper):

Admin being reported( @Scofield)

Reason for Report: Extreme Bias, Excessive Punishment, Denied someone just so he could deny them without actually taking the situation from a neutral perspective
I'm gonna copy and past his reply to my this ban appeal here:
"I understand that you may be upset about the new map change. But that isn't an excuse to disrespect the hard work management and the dev team put into to give the community a fresh, new experience to celebrate our 3 year anniversary.
-How is disrespecting a single map change, even represent the entirety of the work that was put in for it, CHANGE ANYTHING about the work that what was done. Is he required to show respect towards something he doesn't like? I remember when Hitler worked hard on his reich, does this mean people have to respect him?(This is an obvious analogy, please don't take that one too seriously) This is too much of an exaggeration for what happened in reality.

I agree, other staff members may have been more lenient and only give you a warning. However you dealt with the map change in completely the wrong manner in my opinion, and I know first hand the hard work that the staff and dev team volunteered to do in order to produce this new gameplay for the players benefit, and for you to go ahead with your childish and closed minded attitude and say 'you guys are trying to ruin the server' after they tried to improve your personal experience is completely inappropriate and unacceptable in my book.
-If you read this with skepticism, he basically is saying his last statement but he is blowing it up to extreme proportions that don't even represent who @Purple is or what he did. "For you to go ahead with your childish and closed minded attitude and say "you guys are trying to ruin the server" .... is completely unacceptable". Dude, purple is 15 years old. Do you expect a server with an age group of 13+ to have a bunch of intellects that think with an open mind? The brain isn't fully developed until 26. When you put hard work into a free-to-join, unwhitelisted garry's mod server, you aren't going to get perfection with the community. "Sure thats why we ban off the toxic ones"..... I get it, ban off the toxic ones. But what he said is toxic in the eyes of another close minded person. Anyone with a truly open mind would agree that saying ""!help are you guys trying to ruin the server like what am I supposed to do?"" isn't toxic and should have been let go and maybe sent off with a warning. But no, @Scofield decided "THIS IS ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS", and gave him a week ban. Why is this behavior tolerated within the staff team? I can guarantee you that @Purple's feelings were hurt because of this WAY MORE than any of the hard-working staff members/dev team that went into the map change. He said he was sorry and didn't mean harm, but Scofield with his power-hungry attitude wanted this man punished as a form of authoritative control. I'll say it again, absolutely NO HARM was done from this comment. It's not like he went around in OOC saying it too, in character, and then proceeded to break rules because of it! A week ban wasn't necessary. Along with this, the way he handled the appeal was very unprofessional. He didn't take it on in a neutral manner what-so-ever. Why is it that hard for you to give another person a chance?

The reason why I put NITRP as one of your ban reasons is due to the fact that you used the !help command to slander and insult members of the community, and not to ask RP related questions like it is designed for. For the reasons displayed above, this ban appeal is going to be DENIED. Additionaly, if you are not happy with my handling of the situation, you may make a staff report on me here."
-Again, this is such an excessive explanation of what really happened. More realistically, purple used the !help command to make a slightly disrespectful comment towards a decision made by the server. The definition of slander is "a false verbal statement that damages one's reputation". So, he misused the word slander there to exaggerate his point. I am not happy with the way he handled this situation, and the staff report is being made. And that reasoning itself is COMPLETELY UNRELATED to "No intent to role-play". It was just another reason he added so he could justify his excessive ban time.

Time of Occurrence:Tuesday, 4/7/20
Evidence to support your claim:
Additional members involved/witnessing:
None, I'm sure he didn't even ask other staff members if his decision was fair before responding. He probably thought what he wrote was perfect. More reasons he's not fit to be a staff member.
Read, understood and followed staff report rules?:
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Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono

How is disrespecting a single map change, even represent the entirety of the work that was put in for it
It's not really disrespecting the work put into the map change for our anniversary - but how he worded it is.


I remember when Hitler worked hard on his reich, does this mean people have to respect him?
You clearly remember because you were there when it happened, right? Why exactly are you bringing Hitler into this? You're really out of your mind. This is a video game community, not the third Reich.


If you read this with skepticism, he basically is saying his last statement but he is blowing it up to extreme proportions that don't even represent who @Purple is or what he did. "For you to go ahead with your childish and closed minded attitude and say "you guys are trying to ruin the server" .... is completely unacceptable". Dude, purple is 15 years old. Do you expect a server with an age group of 13+ to have a bunch of intellects that think with an open mind? The brain isn't fully developed until 26.
If you want to quote a statement, please quote it fully. I went through his logs just for you:
7.4.2020 @ 20:09:11    Jordon Miles ((1)purple) (STEAM_0:1:181086855) (439) ran chat command: "/ooc" - "is this for real?"    Communication
7.4.2020 @ 20:21:05    Jordon Miles ((1)purple) (STEAM_0:1:181086855) (439) ran chat command: "/ooc" - "cause who ever made this map was rushing"    Communication
7.4.2020 @ 21:47:48    Jordon Miles (purple) (STEAM_0:1:181086855) (439) ran chat command: "/ooc" - "is there a mine?"    Communication
7.4.2020 @ 21:48:29    Jordon Miles (purple) (STEAM_0:1:181086855) (439) ran ServerGuard command "help" "if theres no mine where do i go to get resoureses?"    Commands
7.4.2020 @ 21:49:16    Jordon Miles (purple) (STEAM_0:1:181086855) (439) ran ServerGuard command "help" "so there is or isnt a mine"    Commands
7.4.2020 @ 21:49:40    Jordon Miles (purple) (STEAM_0:1:181086855) (439) ran ServerGuard command "help" "wtf are crushers for then"    Commands
7.4.2020 @ 21:50:44    Jordon Miles (purple) (STEAM_0:1:181086855) (439) ran ServerGuard command "help" "you guys always find a way to ruin the fucking server like what the hell am i suppose to do?"    Commands
Just because he's mad, doesn't justify that he can swear at staff and mentors using the help channel to let his anger out. He's saying we're always finding a way to ruin the fucking server - so he was punished for his toxic behaviour. Age doesn't matter. If you cannot control your feelings in a videogame you have other problems.
Also, his profile says he's 19. So either your story doesn't match up or he's submitting invalid data in his profile.


Anyone with a truly open mind would agree that saying ""!help are you guys trying to ruin the server like what am I supposed to do?"" isn't toxic and should have been let go and maybe sent off with a warning.
Just a reminder to fully quote a statement ;) That's not exactly what he said.


Scofield with his power-hungry attitude wanted this man punished as a form of authoritative control.
Please go ahead and make a staff report with evidence that shows he's power hungry. I'll gladly look at it and take appropriate actions. Misuse of administrative powers will always be punished.


purple used the !help command to make a slightly disrespectful comment towards a decision made by the server. The definition of slander is "a false verbal statement that damages one's reputation". So, he misused the word slander there to exaggerate his point.
Correct, purple misused the help channel to make toxic comments towards the community staff - and was punished rightfully for doing so. You're right, Slander doesn't fit but doesn't change the fact that he will be punished for his actions.


And that reasoning itself is COMPLETELY UNRELATED to "No intent to role-play". It was just another reason he added so he could justify his excessive ban time.
You could argue about the NITRP reasoning, but in this case it seems warranted. He had only played for about 40 minutes on the server and has done nothing but complain (see chat logs above). There clearly was no intent to roleplay at that time.


For the future, stay out of "situations" you are not involved in. You're not mentioned in his ban appeal as involved or a witness. You're sticking your nose into things that do not involve you.

After reviewing your staff report and the linked ban appeal, this staff report is going to be denied.
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