Steam Name: Dr_Hsan
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from [U:1:89261549]
Your Character Name: Alexia Philipp
Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @HolyHandGrenade
Ban Reason: Unauthorized Corruption | FailRP
Unban Reason: I would like to say that i'm sorry about this. I didn't wanted to be corrupted, but i made a weird bug exploit to my friend and make them that he is detective even if it's not true. I'm sorry to the lieutenant, and officer, we didn't wanted that since we were going to the casino. I'm sorry Mod that i did that and i would be forgiven, you could give me warns than ban. I know that it is not allowed from the server, but you could be kind with me. You have your own staffing style, so i don't judge you.
Time of Occurrence: today, at 3pm
Additional members involved/witnessing: @Louis
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: yes
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from [U:1:89261549]
Your Character Name: Alexia Philipp
Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @HolyHandGrenade
Ban Reason: Unauthorized Corruption | FailRP
Unban Reason: I would like to say that i'm sorry about this. I didn't wanted to be corrupted, but i made a weird bug exploit to my friend and make them that he is detective even if it's not true. I'm sorry to the lieutenant, and officer, we didn't wanted that since we were going to the casino. I'm sorry Mod that i did that and i would be forgiven, you could give me warns than ban. I know that it is not allowed from the server, but you could be kind with me. You have your own staffing style, so i don't judge you.
Time of Occurrence: today, at 3pm
Additional members involved/witnessing: @Louis
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: yes