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Monolith Newcomer
Feb 12, 2021


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: 1takeZay
Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:526708778
Your Character Name: Isiah Musk

Which Staff blacklisted you: @Skojenmeister
What were you blacklisted from Assassination of the major on unfair grounds.

Blacklist Length: 3 days blacklist guns
Blacklist Reason: fail rp, rdm
Unblacklist Reason: On a first offense I believe what I did was unfair if we are actually roleplaying the major had blackmailed the PD saying "if I don't have secret service u get no budget" during a bank raid this lead to a successful bank raid with few cops on the scene, now my friends and I decided to quit our jobs and assassinate the major I don't understand how this reason isn't valid and fail rp with no video evidence and word against word I was blacklisted from guns for 3 days, in IRL since this is a role-playing game in the real-life political roles of power come with the constant threats of immediate death and danger that is why they have secret service in the game I preassume. I was simply role-playing a man who is capable of assassinating someone in political power which happens in real life john F. Kenndy for example most people liked him, say at least that "30-40%" yet he was still assassinated i think this wasn't rdm and should not have been blacklisted especially for this long at that, thank you.

Time of Occurrence: 2/11/21 around 1:30 am pacific
Additional members involved/witnessing: Frank applesauce and saifal
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?:


Community Manager
Community Manager
Recruitment Team
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2019


Years of Mono

Hello there,

I have read your blacklist appeal and I have made the following statement:

If you believed that the mayor was being corrupt, you should had made a report on him. But I can understand that you may not had known that at that time, given you might not of read the server rules.

As far to how the mayor was assassinated, it was not done properly in roleplay (rulebreaks occurred). Firstly, the mayor's rating was greater than 30%. Secondly, your friend job abused to become SS so that they can open his door for you so that you could assassinate him (which you did).

Furthermore, if the mayor was being corrupt, you should had arrested him on corruption charges as a LEO - although you should report any unauthorised corruption to the staff team immediately.

The mayor at the time was a new player, I do believe that he did not intentionally want to be corrupt. I spoke to him after the sit and he admitted that he was new and he found the mayor's job quite difficult.

You had mentioned earlier that the player who roleplayed as the mayor said "I will not give budget unless I have secret service", to which you said was on the OOC chat.

Using OOC information in character is metagaming. I will say both of you are in the wrong for how you both used OOC.

Given the fact of your lack of knowledge and understanding of the server rules, I do not feel comfortable accepting your blacklist appeal for your weapons blacklist.

Please use this time to read the server rules. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Thus, your blacklist appeal has been denied.
Thread locked and moved.
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