In-Game Name: Rex Kantori
Steam Name: CaptainSexyFish
SteamID64: Idk.
Date and time of loss: 10:00 PM Central May 13th,2018
What happened: Was watching youtube on the premium tv and making lsd in Country Cabin 2 when everything vanished.
What do you need refunded: 1 Fridge, 1 Premium TV.
Evidence: @FosterGecko
Steam Name: CaptainSexyFish
SteamID64: Idk.
Date and time of loss: 10:00 PM Central May 13th,2018
What happened: Was watching youtube on the premium tv and making lsd in Country Cabin 2 when everything vanished.
What do you need refunded: 1 Fridge, 1 Premium TV.
Evidence: @FosterGecko