Tomorrow (1st of July) at 4pm BST we will be hosting a Team Deathmatch event!
- - - - -[Description]- - - - -
At the time stated above, a team deathmatch will occur. This will be held at the White Warhouse in the Industrial area in Rockford.
Once everyone has arrived, you'll be divided into two teams. Each team has their own side of the warehouse with different props and other things to defend yourself from the other team. Before the round starts you will all be provided with armor, health and weapons. Once you hear the round has started, you will try to eliminate the other team with your team. Simple as that. Once you die you will stay dead untill the round is over.
- - - - -[Prizes!]- - - - -
The team that wins one round gets an amount depending on the amount of people attending.. If you died during the round but you were on the winning team, you don't get anything that round. The losing team also doesn't get anything.
We hope you'll attend and have a fun time!
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