We hope to see you online soon!
Accepted, you will be contacted by a recruiter in game.IC Name: Jonathan Arroyo
Steam Name: Arroyo
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Castrojj1171/
Discord#0000: Castrojj1171#2776
Previous Organization: Workers Party, The Cule Cartel
Garage: https://gyazo.com/df7ad34d40bfb7dcde277c187b1edbbb
Bank Account: https://gyazo.com/b69540eca6e83216f01808e326cd4622
Denied. 200k+ Net Worth required to join the organization, or someone to vouch for you. Try getting your balance up and try applying again on a later date.IC Name: Justin Hernandez
Steam Name: Torky_J
Steam URL:
Discord#0000: Torky_J#0721Steam Community :: Error
Bank Screenshot: N.A. cant screenshot but bank worth is 15k
Garage Screenshot: N.A. but Volvo hatchback
Previous Organizations: N.A
Years of Mono
Right now your application is going to be DENiED due to no evidence of bank, screenshot, or any of the requirements listed on the application format.IC Name: Manny Pearl
Steam Name: Cappy
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Cappyzl
Discord: Cappy#4150
What you have to offer to the organization: While i am fairly new to the server (been hooked for about a week now), I've had plenty of fun but now i want to experience being in an org and representing it with a closed group of people that i can interact daily and do activities and stay committed, i have a mic and a lot of free time to spare so i would highly appreciate this opportunity to make it into your junior program.
(Feel free to contact me through any methods, whether discord or steam or in game, i have a mic so no problem fyi.)
Reviewing and seeing if you meet qualificationsCharacter Name: Chris Koofis
Net worth Proof: I have a car worth 100k, 100k in the bank, 10 lr300s, and 4 factory crushers
What you have to offer to the organization: I can craft guns, click on heads, and sing like a mofo.
We hope to see you online soon!