Can you post an image of your bank?Name: Dylan Taylor (IGN
Steam Name: Austin
Cash in Bank: Currently I have 11k due to me buying a car for an org that failed.
Are you able to create Machetes and supply the org:
I’m not able to currently supply machetes but I’ve been grinding daily working my levels up, I can supply all ores up to gold currently and can mine whenever is needed!
Why would you like to join?
I want to join because I want somewhere I can belong and not have the org poop on itself, I want a group of people who I can play with and help grow along with them!
Why should we take you on?
I feel you should take me on because even though I’m new I learn quick and I can assist in any way possible that I can, you want me to go spy on someone I’ll go spy etc. I want help from others and to ultimately have fun and I’ve decided that this may be the place for me to finally do that!
We hope to see you online soon!