The Defilers. As they were known. Began in late 1943, during the Nazi rule of Germany. They started as a ragtag group of teenagers, who grew up to become cartel leaders, and members of said cartels. Eventually reforming in 1957, and moving to the united states for more opportunities in crime, and the sheer growth of the nation, they mass recruited gang members and other troubled , as to reinforce the gang, and increase operation. The members who are around now, are the disciples and children of the original six. The Defilers back then, were greatly known for assassinations disguised as blatant murders, and for the selling of marijuana, and other such narcotics. In this modern day, they're known for Drug dealings, weapon manufacturing, planned murders, weapon and drug running, as well as mass recruitment into the criminal underworld.|Relations:|
Smithens Delsa
David Lewis
Delcan Haughi
Josh Liqure
Charles Stiles
Dawson Bluetows
Smithens Delsa
David Lewis
Delcan Haughi
Josh Liqure
Charles Stiles
Dawson Bluetows
[1] Being a minge is unacceptable. Being discovered to being a minge, may result in demotion if a mod or admin. A warning if a member, and eventually a kick from the organisation.
[2] You must have a way to make 10,000 dollars when required, be it through a job, or through illegal methods.
[3] You must be at least Player level 10, and a level 10 in one or more skills.
Application Status: OPEN!
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We can deny your application at any time, and it may take 12-24 hours to accept or deny an application.
Application Status: OPEN!
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Past Org Experience(Not required):
Class III Firearms in bank:
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We can deny your application at any time, and it may take 12-24 hours to accept or deny an application.
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