We hope to see you online soon!
Years of Mono
Name: Mike Field and Dimitri Ruslan (@HypeRNT )
What you'd like to order: Depends on price, but maybe 10 machetes.
Reason for order: to slice people up
Organisation: n/a
Timezone: CST
I will cancel this order if you do not sell machetes.
I believe @SlightlyExpiredMilk has taken this. If not, I will.Anything on this? I’ll pay $900 per at a total of $9000.
Your order is done!Name: Lia Barnes
What you'd like to order: 2x Ar-15's x1 M249 1x VSS Vintorez
Reason for order: Testing out guns, seeing what ones are good and what aren't
Organisation: The Ghosts ( Ye Ik Im ordering from my own org, I couldn't care less. I'd rather give cash to ppl I trust )
Timezone: BST Uk
Your order is done!Name: Josephi Krakawski
What you'd like to order: 2 makarovs 1 m1911 and 1 ak
Reason for order: Trying to start my little organization because im making it soon
Organisation: Krakawski Family
My timezones PST or Pacific Standard Time@Soapy Soap I understand you've been banned so I'll hold your order untill you get ubanned. Also, please give your Timezone to help get your order delivered.
Years of Mono
Your order is done!
Of course you already know this, but it'll be 9k
We hope to see you online soon!