A description of your technical issue: The infamous 'resource/fonts/ugficons.ttf' connection and crash issue
Has it happened before?: Not before the last few days or so. I was able to connect before, but within the last few days or so, that has been repeatedly popping up.
Extraneous details/description: Nothing other than the crash this issue is known to solve.
Yes, I, like many in this community, have had the infamous 'ugficons.ttf' connection and crash issue that seems almost exclusively associated with Monolith's Gmod RP server. Before you ask me, yes, I've tried the solutions that either do or don't fix the issue. For me, none of them worked.
The solutions I've tried:
As suggested by banned user @8B1T
As suggested by @Silhouhat
As suggested by @Jake Ortiz
I have also tried several fresh re-installs of Gmod along with complete removal and complete re-installs of the addons for Monolith's server to no avail and none of these solutions have fixed the issue. Even switching to Chromium solved nor helped anything.
Has it happened before?: Not before the last few days or so. I was able to connect before, but within the last few days or so, that has been repeatedly popping up.
Extraneous details/description: Nothing other than the crash this issue is known to solve.
Yes, I, like many in this community, have had the infamous 'ugficons.ttf' connection and crash issue that seems almost exclusively associated with Monolith's Gmod RP server. Before you ask me, yes, I've tried the solutions that either do or don't fix the issue. For me, none of them worked.
The solutions I've tried:
Only got one response and he wasn't sure if it worked or if it was chance.
He unsubscribed from all his addons, closed him game then went into his G-MOD folder and deleted all his addons. He then verified his game cache then opened G-MOD installed the servers addons, closed it and reopened. afterwards he wasn't able to join then he restarted his PC and could join fine.
As suggested by banned user @8B1T
Try adding this to your Gmod launch parameters:
+gmod_mcore_test 1 -gl
As suggested by @Silhouhat
If waiting it out does not work try this, It works for me:
1. Right click on Garry's Mod and hit Properties
2. Go to Betas on the far top right.
3. Click the box that says "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" then pick "chromium -"
4. Your game will still stop when loading on that file (resource/fonts/ugficons.ttf ) but if you give it like three(3) to five(5) minutes it should work.
Disclaimer - Upon popular beliefs about using a beta version, when you are running a beta version of Garry's Mod it does not make my game and should not make your game get any lower frames per second(FPS) In addition to that you should not experience random crashes at any time as I have not crashed once using this beta version.
Glad I Could Help!
As suggested by @Jake Ortiz
I have also tried several fresh re-installs of Gmod along with complete removal and complete re-installs of the addons for Monolith's server to no avail and none of these solutions have fixed the issue. Even switching to Chromium solved nor helped anything.