Ace Carter (@Ace Jamalkins ) has joined The Family! They are joining as A-class.
We hope to see you online soon!
Years of Mono
In-game name: Bubba Dice
Skills and screenshot:Skill levels
What do you do for money?: LSD is the steady income
Do you have guns & money?: The 1st half
The 2nd half
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What position are you applying for?: D-Class I don’t know much about the family or its ranking system. So I'll start with D-Class.
Who do you know in the family?: Rob monster,David Lewis, Riley monster,Anthony King.
My Car & Player Level:
Previous orgs: Eclipse,JACKBOYS
Discord: Bubba Ronson#7795
Years of Mono
Years of Mono
good luck on ur org manI would like to thank everyone here for my time in The Monster Family, as some of you may know, I have left and made my own org once more. The Monster Family was a fun time, however, the was with legacy become too much, and it felt like we were getting raided more than we raided them. However, I still want to thank you all for my time.
@TheLoser27 This guy scamed me more than enough times for exotics lol. JK, love you rob
@Brusier Thank you for accepting me into the org.
@mas Chill dude, continue being you : )
To all the A-Class and other friends in the monster family, thank you for a great time : )
To all the D-Class, didnt see many of you too much, just one or two, but still, thank you
In-game name -Jack Finley
Skills screen shots -
What do you do to earn money -Coke and raiding
Do you have guns & money? (provide bank screen shots) -
Do you have a mic? - yes
Who do you know in our family? - Rob M, Tye Shaw, Jack Lee, Lucas Santiago, Joesphi Krakawski and riley a little
Discord Tag- Only Salty#9249
We cannot accept you into The Family as your skills are too low. Denied.In-game name - Diego Finley
Skills screen shots -
What do you do to earn money - LSD, drugs, and raiding
Do you have guns & money? (provide bank screen shots) -
Do you have a mic? - yes
Who do you know in our family? - Jack Lee, Lucas Santiago, Riley Monster, Rob Monster, and jack Finley
Discord Tag- illusivewave#1273
Application Format For D-Class personnel|
In-game name - Diego Finley
Skills screen shots -
What do you do to earn money - LSD, drugs, and raiding
Timezone (in UTC) - UTC−05:00
Do you have guns & money? (provide bank screen shots) -
Do you have a mic? - yes
Who do you know in our family? - Jack Lee, David Lewis, Riley Monster, Rob Monster, and jack Finley
Discord Tag- illusivewave#1273
We hope to see you online soon!