Your Steam Name: My Bloodline Ended In a Cumsock
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80871829
Your Character Name: Credence universe
Which Staff blacklisted you: @misterlol29
What were you blacklisted from: Vehicles
Blacklist Length: 1 day
Blacklist Reason: fail driving
Unblacklist Reason: So i was being chased by two cars one being a skyline and the other a honda civic. they kept ramming me and i was trying to get away and you can clearly see them ramming me over and over, i knew i couldnt outrun the skyline so i used its speed against it and managed to get him and the civic to drive off the cliff. at that point misterlol comes to me while off duty and issues me a car blacklist without clearly knowing the story and that they were chasing and ramming me. Proof:
Time of Occurrence: 10 minutes ago
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: yes
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80871829
Your Character Name: Credence universe
Which Staff blacklisted you: @misterlol29
What were you blacklisted from: Vehicles
Blacklist Length: 1 day
Blacklist Reason: fail driving
Unblacklist Reason: So i was being chased by two cars one being a skyline and the other a honda civic. they kept ramming me and i was trying to get away and you can clearly see them ramming me over and over, i knew i couldnt outrun the skyline so i used its speed against it and managed to get him and the civic to drive off the cliff. at that point misterlol comes to me while off duty and issues me a car blacklist without clearly knowing the story and that they were chasing and ramming me. Proof:
Time of Occurrence: 10 minutes ago
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: yes