Recent content by MikeNespo

  1. MikeNespo

    Selling Exotic Cosmetics

    All options available!
  2. MikeNespo

    Selling Exotic Cosmetics

    I'll keep your offer in mind but as of right now I'm not willing to drop that low. I want 1.5 mil for that hat but we can easily work out an agreement if you really want it. Im the most flexible on that hat.
  3. MikeNespo

    Selling Exotic Cosmetics

    Yea basically. Also, if I'm not mistaken I think one of them has voice commands. Not too sure though
  4. MikeNespo

    Selling Exotic Cosmetics

    I don't think there will ever be another hl2 event so I don't know, I've only heard rumors. The mask itself came in two variants and I have the first one which was harder to get. To the right person I can easily get at least 1.75 mil for it. I've had the mask priced by multiple cosmetic...
  5. MikeNespo

    Selling Exotic Cosmetics

    Definitely can’t part ways at 400k the mask is worth 2 mil and it’s probably the most rare mask out there to be fair seeing as how the HL2 event didn’t happen this year
  6. MikeNespo

    Selling Exotic Cosmetics

    Definitely not
  7. MikeNespo

    Selling Exotic Cosmetics

    1x Demonic Witch Hat (3 Variants/Colors) 1x Rebel Beanie (From HL2 Event) 1x Poison Headcrab (From HL2 Event) 1x CP Mask (My beloved mask :( ) If you are interested in any of these masks shoot me a dm or make a comment and ill DM you. I'm not really willing to part ways with my CP mask but the...
  8. MikeNespo


  9. MikeNespo

    Witch Hat for sale

    Selling my demonic witch hat once again. It's got 3 variants and colors. DM me if you are interested or need more info.
  10. MikeNespo

    Selling some stuff

    Still selling!
  11. MikeNespo

    Selling some stuff

    Selling Demonic Witch Hat (Rare with 3 variants) DM me if interested. Selling Lanterns Selling spookfest items (Worms eyes skulls etc) Selling headcrab DM me if interested
  12. MikeNespo

    Selling demonic witch hat!

    Make offers. Demonic witch hat can change into three different variants. Very rare.
  13. MikeNespo

    Selling CP Mask

    Selling a CP Mask DM me and make offers. Not accepting most trades. Cash is preferred.
  14. MikeNespo

    RR Casino bug

    I added you
  15. MikeNespo

    Phoenix Company (Now Recruiting)

    Recruitment open once again!