Zeke's latest activity

  • Zeke
    Steam Name: ZEKE SteamID: 76561198362353262 Your Character Name: Zeke Whackem Which punishment are you appealing? Ban Appeal...
  • Zeke
    Zeke replied to the thread APPEAL Zeke Blacklist Appeal.
    Where at all were you lenient in any type of way by the imagination you went invisible and watched me and blacklisted me if you were to...
  • Zeke
    Zeke replied to the thread APPEAL Zeke Blacklist Appeal.
    Yeah bro so the guy who made the blacklist is able to deny it i think this should be reviewed by someone else
  • Zeke
    Steam Name: Zekers SteamID: 76561198362353262 Your Character Name: Zeke Williams Which punishment are you appealing? Blacklist...