Search results

  1. Prestino22

    Freddy Francisco Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Prestino22 Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:84958048 Your Character Name: Freddy Francisco Ban Length: 1 month Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Major Lorne(Pmx) Ban Reason: Scamming premium Time of Occurrence: Monday around 7 pm PST Additional members...
  2. Prestino22

    Using PM for IC relation to mug lure with 0 staff online

    I never meta gamed i went to meet you at the locker and my crew was there because the locker was right by our base that we were farming and stuff at
  3. Prestino22

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Freddy Francisco Steam Name: Prestino22 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84958048 Date and time of loss: 5/19/18 around 12:37 pm What happened: Server crashed while I was farming Evidence: What do you need refunded: 6 onion seeds, 1 pistol ammo box
  4. Prestino22


    Whats the difference between a regular member and probation? am i just under watch?
  5. Prestino22


    Steam name - Prestino22 Steam URL - IGN - Freddy Francisco Bank and Balance - Player Level 110 What can you offer to this Organization? - I can offer guns, money, fun, and protection to anyone that needs it in toxic. Also im well known already to...
  6. Prestino22

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Freddy Francisco Steam Name: Prestino22 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84958048 Date and time of loss: 4/28/18 around 3:10 AM What happened: Server crashed while I was making lsd What do you need refunded: A mini Fridge, Compact Burner, and Flask Support Evidence:
  7. Prestino22

    Refund for Freddy Francisco - metal working table

    In-Game Name: Freddy Francisco Steam Name: Prestino22 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84958048 Date and time of loss: Friday January 26th at 5:30 pm (PST)) What happened: Server crashed What do you need refunded: Metal working table Evidence: