Search results

  1. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You will only...
  2. Rommel

    Alex Herrera - Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  3. Rommel

    Refund Request: Edward Sedwick

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: Your refund request does not meet the requirements set within the refund request guidelines. You must provide proof of any items that were lost as well as proof that shows how they were lost in order for them to be eligible for refund. Additionally...
  4. Rommel

    Gun Law Suggestion

    The lawbook on the forum is considered to be a state level lawbook, while the ingame one via the tablet is local level. If there are ever any contradictions with laws the one on the forum takes precedence. In this occasion please refer to it when it comes to what firearms can be made legal...
  5. Rommel


    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  6. Rommel

    Kevin Deluca - Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  7. Rommel

    Voided Raid

    @Rick Valley Please provide your proper steam ID or this cannot be processed and will be denied (It should look something like this STEAM_X:X:XXXXX)
  8. Rommel

    FailRP during raid (voided raid) refund request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You will only...
  9. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  10. Rommel

    Chronic Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  11. Rommel

    Mass Rdm

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You will only...
  12. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  13. Rommel

    I was killed due to a glitch

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You were not killed...
  14. Rommel

    Voided cinema situation

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  15. Rommel

    Litty Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  16. Rommel

    Stabilized then shot

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  17. Rommel

    Mono Market Bug

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  18. Rommel

    Jake Baller Refund

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  19. Rommel

    Lost items

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You will be given...
  20. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your request has been denied. Reason: Your request does not meet the requirements set within our refund request guidelines. You must provide evidence of items lost, and how they were lost for them to be eligible for a refund. You also failed to respond with the evidence within the time allotted...