Search results

  1. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  2. Rommel

    Rdm Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  3. Rommel

    Refund Request - Alex Herrera

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  4. Rommel

    Rdm Refund Request

    @friskiemar When you get a chance please confirm or deny this request, please.
  5. Rommel

    frankyz' refund request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  6. Rommel

    Refund Request @Green Gatorade Water Bottle

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You will only...
  7. Rommel

    Refund Request @Green Gatorade Water Bottle

    @Code Monkey Can you tag the staff member that dealt with your situation in order to confirm a rule-break took place, or alternatively give proof that the rule-break took place.
  8. Rommel

    Refund Request - Jay Violence

    @Violence Alright. @cxcordell Can you confirm this request, as well as violence's part of the story please.
  9. Rommel

    Mohamed Khatib Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  10. Rommel

    Refund Request - Jay Violence

    @Violence What exactly do you mean by died by police at hospital, as if you became deceased you are no longer able to get that weapon regardless of it being minge-grabbed or not due to confiscated weapons being deleted from the locker upon you fully dying (which is an nlr feature). The person...
  11. Rommel

    Lost 24K Due to A FailRP Cop Who was Now Blacklisted for 2 Days.

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: Your refund request does not meet the guidelines set within our refund request guidelines in order to be eligible for a refund. We require proof of items that were lost generally before and after in order to be able to refund them, additionally we...
  12. Rommel

    Mass RDM pent house

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  13. Rommel

    Refund Request for Voided Raid

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. Note: Due to lack of confirmation or proof...
  14. Rommel

    Lost 24K Due to A FailRP Cop Who was Now Blacklisted for 2 Days.

    @TerminateDD If that is the case then the robbery was technically not fully complete and therefore that money would have been an item you could have had, so in order to be eligible for a refund you would need to show proof that you would absolutely have the money and there was no chance of the...
  15. Rommel

    Lost 24K Due to A FailRP Cop Who was Now Blacklisted for 2 Days.

    @MelodyRain Can you confirm this please. @TerminateDD Did you finish the raid or did you get arrested prior to fully finishing (as in taking the bag fully to the drop off point then waiting enough time to deposit it).
  16. Rommel

    Lost 24K Due to A FailRP Cop Who was Now Blacklisted for 2 Days.

    @TerminateDD Please correct your request so that it uses the format under the refund request guidelines, failure to do so in 48 hours will result in this request being denied.
  17. Rommel

    Refund for Flavio Chino, LSD Equipment

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: Your refund request does not meet the requirements set In our refund request guidelines. We cannot issue refunds for issues that are not rule-break, server crash, or other server side issues. In your occasion this would be a client side issue due to...
  18. Rommel

    Refund Request for Voided Raid

    @friskiemar Can you please confirm or deny this allegation, and possibly give some info regarding the situation.
  19. Rommel

    Refund request LSD equipment, guns

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: Your refund request does not meet the requirements set in our refund request guidelines. You must provide evidence of your items, and evidence of their loss in order to be eligible to have them refunded. Due to you only having evidence that shows you...
  20. Rommel

    Refund request LSD equipment, guns

    @Danniel Pogi Do you have any evidence that can confirm this happened and that the items are in fact gone as the result of a rule break. As all we can see currently is that you had the items in your inventory before, however nothing showing their loss as the result of a rule-break.