Search results

  1. Rommel


    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  2. Rommel


    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  3. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Please give us your SteamID, not your profile link, so that we can process this request.
  4. Rommel


    @Quantum Please confirm or deny this request when you get a chance as well please.
  5. Rommel

    Refund Requesto

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  6. Rommel

    RR x2

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  7. Rommel

    Bag Glitched

    @kevsonic You need to confirm or deny this claim please.
  8. Rommel

    Bank raid

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  9. Rommel


    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  10. Rommel

    Props Lost

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  11. Rommel

    INFO Laws of Monolith

    Updated with new farming regulation laws. REMINDER: You must farm directly on property you own or that you have express and provable permission from the current landowner for it to be considered legal. The land must be directly a part of the property such as the backyard of a suburban house. A...
  12. Rommel

    Ban Appeal

    I don't actually know this bug myself, since I havnt experienced it much, I did try looking for your weapon though, and could not find it, that I can confirm.
  13. Rommel

    Morgan Monster Refund

    If this occurred during the firefight at marketplace yesterday when I rode up on the motorcycle, I cannot confirm it. The reason behind that being as soon as I stopped I was instantly killed, so didn't really get a chance to see much.
  14. Rommel

    Kevin Brooks - Refund Request

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: It appears that you walked directly through the fire when you turned the corner into the parking lot, which is most likely the reason of your death. Though it was a bit more instant than usual, it may have just been some stacked flame entities or...
  15. Rommel


    @Quantum Please confirm or deny the claims in this refund request.
  16. Rommel

    vdm refund

    @-DM Please confirm or deny the claim made in this request.
  17. Rommel

    Refund Request: Varius Benson

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: Your current police level in game is 61 which is currently higher than the level that you have evidence for, and due to that you do not need to be refunded up to that level and do not have the proof to be refunded past that level.
  18. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  19. Rommel


    @-DM Can you confirm or deny this please.
  20. Rommel

    Refund on coco glitch with my bank inventory being full

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. You will be given the coca leaves and not...