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  1. Afash

    ban appeal

    First of all add your correct Steam ID and Steam Name. Secondly is this a staff report or is this your ban appeal?
  2. Afash


    Definitely one of the best videos about Monolith, this video just made my day.
  3. Afash


    I can confirm that due to an RDM by an Alt account, @Jordan Oliver lost an 1x M4, 1x Ziptie and 1x Kev w Helm. The reported player lost the illegal items after he got arrested by cops (items confiscated). The reported player is banned permanently.
  4. Afash

    FearRP 1 person, shooting tires not false code red?

    As I understand the rule of FearRP it's always two people aiming the gun at you. But if you are in a car, then it's if the driver is under a gunpoint from the driver side window (One gun, and not two). If my understanding is wrong, then I believe that should be mentioned on the rule itself...
  5. Afash

    May your buns never burn.

    May your buns never burn.
  6. Afash

    Good to have you back buddy. Continue your legacy of catching the bad boys.

    Good to have you back buddy. Continue your legacy of catching the bad boys.
  7. Afash

    Staff Report on Agam

    As I got tagged by @Agam please allow me to clarify some points. I can confirm that Agam asked me for a second opinion and I advised him to void the situation as there was no valid reason to handcuff and search the suspect. On that specific date we received too many complaints from various...
  8. Afash


    Dear @akaFade You got kicked twice within the last two weeks for AFK (Wood cutting, farming ... ). I will accept this appeal, however, next time make sure you don't go AFK while using the +Attack command to gain XP or resources. Appeal Accepted. Thread Locked and Moved
  9. Afash

    FTVL/Fail Roleplay/Powergaming

    Answering on behalf of the police supervisors team. @DerpDeGames shouldn't stand behind the car to prevent the car from moving and put his life at risk. We understand that you might wanted to force the driver out, however, you could have dealt with the situation differently. it is common that...
  10. Afash

    I'm deeply sorry

    We do not tolerate any Racial slurs in our community. if there was a rule break, then you should've reported the issue instead of spreading hate and racial slurs in OOC. Feel free to appeal again in two weeks. Appeal Denied Thread locked & moved.
  11. Afash

    Gun Blacklist Appeal

    Hello @John Goe , I will accept this appeal and reduce your blacklist to 3 days. Appeal partially Accepted. Afash,
  12. Afash

    Report - RDM & FailRP by Afash

    Dear @Barry Finch, I understand why you would make this report, still in my opinion it wasn't my complete fault why your armed robbery went unsuccessful. Please allow me to address some important points. Your video only shows 50% of the whole situation, which took more than 20 mins. I was the...
  13. Afash

    Operation: BAWSAQ

  14. Afash

    Ban appeal 2- Tommy monster

  15. Afash

    Universal Union

  16. Afash

    Universal Union

    The Unicorn Foundation Your application is under review, please contact me in game or @Jacub for a quick interview
  17. Afash

    They all died as they were afraid of me and jumped down the valley

    They all died as they were afraid of me and jumped down the valley
  18. Afash

    Bubba's RR

    I can confirm the situation, Bubba didn't receive the items from the locker. I also can confirm the lost items of 1x ACR-E 1x Eotech, 2x lockpics and 1x ziptie. As it wasn't on him neither he dropped anything. He also survived the PD raid.
  19. Afash

    6 Month Ban Appeal

    Ban Appeal Accepted
  20. Afash

