I can confirm that they would of received the Super 90 shotgun if not for the actions of the officer FTVL'ing, The gun was not instantly confiscated and for whatever reason allowed the officer to keep the gun on him even though he had died.
If not for the glitch or the FTVL they would have been...
@Lola Meid is the banning staff member, Your steamID is STEAM_0:1:6009099, Ban length is 2 days, And the ban reason is
Agressive, failrp, needs a chill pill - appeal on Monolithservers.com
Hello, Sean
So you had deposited the weapon while the police were actively chasing you, when i checked your notes i saw that within 24 hours you were warned about combat depositing. When i asked you if you deposited anything you said that you had only taken out Medkit's from the premium locker...
Let me clarify what he is trying to say, SkullZ noticed him prop push his own car so SkullZ gave him a Physgun Blacklist because he had a prior verbal warning for prop pushing i assume he is claiming it is a false Blacklist.
I can confirm the bank raid was voided, Not all the cops were aware there was a hostage for some reason and so they opened fire on White tiger and his friend.
Welcome to Monolith @gm1003 hopefully as a new player you are enjoying your stay here, i have not seen you on often LOA1003 but i hope to see you on more. :D
I will unban you as i feel that you have been punished enough. Next time you are under fearRP even if you think it is a joke follow their commands.
I can confirm, The guy was shooting at wiz when he was run over and shot while on the ground for some reason it spawned Nova with his MP9 instead of letting it be looted
Hello Curry,
I understand it may of been in private and a joke however as this rule states.
We do not tolerate derogatory slurs towards any group of people, such as racism, homophobia etc., within the community - especially Out-Of-Character. Your in-game character may be offensive to a certain...
I can confirm these
As for the attachments i cannot confirm if they were on the gun or not. The prison guard's combat tase lead to a shootout that would not of happened otherwise and i voided the situation.
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