Mark Dober joined MS-13
Jamal Hisin added to INACTIVE
Dakuan Tamaki added to INACTIVE
NightTime added to LIKED
YRN has been disbanded, removed from ENEMIES
In-Game Name: Adrian King
Steam Name: jeppe
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100609521
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 2020-11-05 17:00 ish GMT+2
What happened: propclimbing narcs
What do you need refunded: x1 ACR, x1 LR-300, x1 G3A3
Evidence: @misterlol29
Read, understood and followed refund...
jesus christ, u broke fearrp and then report us for this? im pretty sure this isnt even a rulebreak as we just kidnapped and mugged u, never made u a hostage as u where never even ziptied
Steam Name: jeppe
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:100609521
Your Character Name: Adrian King
Ban Length: perma
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Stuvi @PMX
Ban Reason: 3rd party software
Unban Reason: legit dont understand how im...
so it started off by respeeds asking us to speak to the mayor about our budget (like literally go to city hall and "talk to the mayor", no arresting or whatever) as we werent getting any. i responded by "go do it urself man, ur the chief" and he mustve gotten a bit powertrippy and demoted us...
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