Steam Name: jeppe
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100609521
RP Name: Adrian King
Date and time of loss (specify the time zone): 02/06 12:59 GMT+1
What happened: Crafting before restart and wasn't able to withdraw my last bars from storage crate.
What do you need refunded? x124 SIlver Bars...
In-game name: AK
Phone number: 816-148-4770
Order: x1 Stack of Cakes, x1 Stack of Pineapple Cocktail
Discount: Family Discount
Delivery: Regular
Final price: good question
Notes: <3
In-Game Name: Adrian King
Steam Name: jeppe
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100609521
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 22-10 / 11:00 am GMT+1
What happened: RDM´d by 2 randoms.
What do you need refunded: x1 Galil (Aimpoint, PSO-1 Silencer, AR15 Heavy Stock), x1 Mp7, x1 Honey Badger.
Banning Staff Member (@Admin): @Stuvi
Ban Reason: Usage of 3rd party software
Unban Reason: ive been in the dark for almost a year now while still asking around where you (the management team) got the idea of me cheating on mono. i have never cheated on mono with 3rd party software during my...
Banning Staff Member (@Admin):
i assume @PMX or @Stuvi
Ban Reason:
dont know why but i guess u get permad on the forums when u get permad on the server. Either way, i was banned for third party usage.
Unban Reason:
Im gonna be completely honest, during my time on mono i was definately not the...
Banning Staff Member (@Admin): i actually dont know
Ban Reason: no clue either why im banned on forums
Unban Reason: as stated above, i would love to know what ive done and love to get a unban. apparently im banned on the server aswell from out of nowhere for "cheats" yet again.....
Time of...
In-Game Name: Adrian King
Steam Name: jeppe
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100609521
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): rn
What happened: cops nlr at bank raid
What do you need refunded: "Agam says "AK-74 ACR 2x KEV + HELM LOCKPICK ADREN SHOT."
Evidence: @Agam
Read, understood and followed...
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