Steam Name: ChasingOctane
SteamID: 76561199277669024
RP Name: James Winters
Date and time of loss (specify the time zone): approx 9:30 est
What happened: i was third partied, @Supreme saw
What do you need refunded? see picture posted
Evidence: supreme approved - see picture...
I am finding @deeznuts69 Guilty of the following infractions:
Conduct unbecoming of a Law Enforcement Officer.
Excessive/Unauthorized use of deadly force.
Murder of a fellow LEO.
Murder of a superior.
Gross negligent misconduct.
Your actions were UNACCEPTABLE. There is no excuse for the way...
He was being professional. Just as you should be. Not only did you murder a superior ranking officer in cold blood, you infringed on the fourth amendment.
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