So I got a gift card with $100 on it and I want to use it to buy premium yet when I try to use paypal it makes me log in or create account without the ability to buy without using an account when I do the card option the regular way it says it was declined by the "bank." Can someone explain how...
Your Steam Name: Trevor Werner
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:124400188
Your Character Name: Trevor Werner
Ban Length: 12 hours
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Mr Death (actually Console but Mr Death gave me the points)
Ban Reason: Recieved too many warning points...
Your Steam Name: REMOVE KEBAB
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:124400188
Your Character Name: Trevor Werner
Ban Length: 2 days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @WhiteBlood
Ban Reason: "FailRP x2"
Time of Occurrence: 4:29 AM EST
Relevant Evidence...
I'm Trevor. It's complete bullshit. He shot first and questions later, then said it was your fault and had a gun out, when that wasn't true. If he can't be trusted as a cop, and an admin, he's very untrustworthy as a civillian aswell since he rdm'd me and left me to die, because we were talking...
Your Steam Name: REMOVE KEBAB
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:124400188
Your Character Name: Trevor Werner
Ban Length: 24 hrs
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Perry
Ban Reason: Racism in OOC
Time of Occurrence: 6:44 EST
Relevant Evidence...
Thanks. I just made a really bad joke, like dad level type joke and I thought wow, it's so bad I got blacklisted from OOC? Yeah but I didn't know you didn't know the context so thanks for reading my post.
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:124400188
Your Character Name: Trevor Werner
Which Admin blacklisted you: @WhiteBlood
What job(s) were you blacklisted from: OOC chat
Blacklist Reason: Not known/told to me
Time of Occurrence: 12:28 AM EST
I wasn't micspamming, or trying to. My mic got fucked up and sounded like a bzzzshhhh sound, it got very loud I think while I was trying to talk. Note that I am using Beats Headphones as my mic so it probably got like unplugged from the headset or something like that for a bit. I wasn't trying...
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:124400188
Your Character Name: John McVick
Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Stuvi
Ban Reason: I was banned for spamming when I didn't spam, I have no idea why I was banned...
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