Search results

  1. Dustman259

    ORG MSide

  2. Dustman259

    APPEAL Dustman259 Server Ban Appeal (@marwan)

    Steam Name: Dustman259 SteamID: https:/ Your Character Name: Hopsin Mux Ban Length: perm Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Marwan Unban Reason: I am so sorry for my action, 95% of my time in Gmod has been...
  3. Dustman259

    APPEAL Dustman259 Server Ban Appeal (@marwan)

    Steam Name: Dustman259 SteamID: https:/ Your Character Name: Hopsin Mux Ban Length: perm Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Marwan Unban Reason: I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to...
  4. Dustman259

    INFO Monolith Anniversary Newsletter (07/04/23)

    So what time does it lanched?
  5. Dustman259

    3 days ban for LTAP,LTARP, and COMBAT DEPO

    Steam Name: Dustman Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:1:25892609 Your Character Name: Hopsin Mux Ban Length: 3 days (2 days 7 hours) Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @heyitskev Ban Reason: LTAP,LTARP, and COMBAT DEPO Unban Reason...
  6. Dustman259

    VDM and LTARP appeal -banned when offline

    Thank you very much- appriciated !
  7. Dustman259

    VDM and LTARP appeal -banned when offline

    Steam Name: Dustman Your SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:25892609 Your Character Name: Hopsin Mux Ban Length: 1 day 4 hours Banning Staff Member (@Killjoy445 ) Ban Reason: VDM and LTARP Unban Reason: It was late at night when we was driving around the map and wondering what could be done to have some...
  8. Dustman259

    Ban appeal

    Steam Name: Dustman Your SteamID64: 76561198012050947 Steam32 ID: 51785219 Your Character Name:Hopsin mux My ban has expired but still can not join? I got my ban recued two month, and its expired 2 days ago but stil cant join Ban Length: 2 mounth recuede Banning Staff Member @PMX Ban...
  9. Dustman259

    BA hopsin mux

    yes sir Thanks !
  10. Dustman259

    banned hopsin mux

    Banning Staff Member @gm1003 ツ Ban Reason: Unban Reason: Time of Occurrence:
  11. Dustman259

    BA hopsin mux

    I found out by accident when my game crashed first time. I was then wrongfully exploiting this by crashing on purpose. Of course I should have reported this first.
  12. Dustman259

    BA hopsin mux

    Steam Name: Dustman Your SteamID32(: STEAM_0:1:25892609 Your Character Name: Hopsin mux Ban Length: Perm Banning Staff Member : @gm1003 ツ Ban Reason: Exploiting Unban Reason: I just recently found out that I could crash the game, to repeat the "Home quest not completed" so I could earn some...
  13. Dustman259

    Hopsin mux Banned

    Steam Name: Dustman SteamID:76561198012050947 Character Name:Hopsin Mux Ban Length: 2 mount Banning Staff Member (@friskiemar Ban Reason:LTARP Unban Reason: I played as a secuty guard a powerplant, i log out, because nothing happende there, then i com back i am banned and i dont call that i...
  14. Dustman259

    Hopsin mux

    Player: Hopsin mux I played as a secuity guad, and log out because nothing happende, then i com back to this Reason: LTARP I dont call that i have left any role play situation ???
  15. Dustman259

    Appel ltta ban

    I discountet the server because dumb cop put handcuffed on me 15 sec after i joined the server, up in falcon cheek
  16. Dustman259

    Refund server crash

    In-Game Name: Hopsin Mux Steam Name: Dustman SteamID: 76561198012050947 Date and time of loss: 22.00 approx What happened: The server crashed for the 2nd time in a row. I lost all my stuff in this period on Falcon outskirts 3 What do you need refunded: I need 1 packing box, 1 kerosene, 1...
  17. Dustman259


    I was handcuffed, and want to change my sound settings and hit discount insted of Options play unban,, it was a mistake!, i have so many good hours on this server :/
  18. Dustman259

    Tech Support

    I also have initializing loop after that it says
  19. Dustman259

    Initializing loop

    When i am joning, the server its just staying Initializing, for like 30 mins noow ? what to do ?
  20. Dustman259

    INFO Once Upon A Time In Monoford | Monolith 1.0

    There is password on ;(