Search results

  1. Aesthetics


    Denied, unfortunately you do not meet the critera we have been provided to accept refund requests. If you feel like this was an error, please contact a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. Note: Follow the format.
  2. Aesthetics

    Kyle Lasky Refund Request

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  3. Aesthetics

    Jeff dogz refund request

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  4. Aesthetics

    Radio Compensation

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  5. Aesthetics

    cop fail rp'd

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  6. Aesthetics

    Level Refund

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  7. Aesthetics

    Lost Smelting Work Bench During Crash

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  8. Aesthetics

    Refund Request

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  9. Aesthetics

    [Server Crash] Refund Request

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. Note: You will be refunded your...
  10. Aesthetics

    I lost everything.

    Denied, unfortunately you do not meet the critera we have been provided to accept refund requests. If you feel like this was an error, please contact a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  11. Aesthetics

    Lost attatchments

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  12. Aesthetics

    Lost my Level

    Denied, unfortunately you do not meet the critera we have been provided to accept refund requests. If you feel like this was an error, please contact a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. Note: Use the format.
  13. Aesthetics

    Refund for radio controller

    Denied, unfortunately you do not meet the critera we have been provided to accept refund requests. If you feel like this was an error, please contact a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. Note: Be more descriptive of what happened, your evidence is not enough to refund...
  14. Aesthetics

    i lost a wood working bench and crafting table due to server crashing or restart.

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  15. Aesthetics


    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  16. Aesthetics

    Refund Request

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  17. Aesthetics

    TV Refund Request

    Denied, unfortunately you do not meet the critera we have been provided to accept refund requests. If you feel like this was an error, please contact a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. Note: Missing information, re-open this request once you've filled in the...
  18. Aesthetics


    Denied, unfortunately you do not meet the criteria we have been provided to accept refund requests. If you feel like this was an error, please contact a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  19. Aesthetics

    server crashed

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  20. Aesthetics

    Jeff dogz refund request

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team. Note: You have been refunded the seeds.