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Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name:Biggerfoot
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:61795631
Your Character Name (If Applicable):Grizzly Winters

Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) Austin hunter

Reason for Report: Unfair blacklist, Banning people with no reports, Trolling himself and then banning people for doing the same.Bullying Vlad. I literally didnt vdm one person, while there is a tow truck towing peoples cars into the ocean, he decides to blacklist me for a week with no warning and gave no one any warning while there is like 20 people on the server and literally 24 hours before hand he was spawning in missles and nukes and cannons and trolling, putting ballons on vehicles, rocket boosters , towing chairs behind cars and basically kicking off the trolling/ having fun, just as he did tonight with letting people put wheelchairs in the elevator and unlocking doors for me personally in the pd so I could leave when I literally just broke the law and trolling himself by pushing cars, demoting people, and spawning in lag props.
I believe also its way overbearing use of power, you cant even play the server without using vehicles so this is basically a week ban. I would rather have a 1-3 server day ban.
Also he baited vladmir into like having fun like everyone else and then week bans him.
Also he was invis hanging around people at the hospital and if they talked shit about him in a private setting not knowing he was there he would ban them for staff disrespect.
He is also i believe he abusing the ban system, so he week bans me from using vehicles so I cant play the server for a week right and if i where to come back after the blacklist is over he would week ban me again for having to many warning points or whatever instead of just giving me a 1-3 day ban and letting it be over and overbearing shit like this is why there is no server pop because its abuse seriously, you cant just act one way and then switch up on people and start banning them after doing it yourself, its not professonial and its not how a admin should be acting maybe a director or a owner but he is one above moderator literally causing chaos himself and then banning others for doing the same as he is doing under the pretense he can because he is a admin, people wouldnt be doing this if he didn't start it off seriously.
Time of Occurrence:2:30 am june 15

Evidence to support your claim:
Honest video you decide if this should be a week ban when all partys involved where in agreement there was no wrong doing and I just rammed another car thats it, I didnt vdm not once the whole night. My friend in the purple nissan did not make a report.He claims he also made a blue announcement claiming that if you got a car in the door you would be blacklisted, i didnt see this announcement, i thought it was a joke when it was said by my buddy because the cars wouldnt fit into the door to begin with so, thats why i believed it was a joke. It should be a 1-3 day ban not a week blacklist from getting in any vehicle, you literally cant play for a week and then will just get another week ban if anything else happens.

Here is the video of him using admin abilitys to unlock doors for me in pd while invis after what i speculate he used admin abilitys to fire the guy Not Vladimir putin, afterwards he did talk shit about this guy who got fired claiming he personally doesnt like him thats why i still think he did use admin abilitys to fire him and did ban him for a week/month. But this is cleary abuse. I was literally still wanted, If it wasnt for austin abusing i would be in jail for stealing a bear cat And the guy literally seconds before putting me in jail gets demoted as if someone was cleary watching us invis waiting for the perfect moment, the timing was perfect too perfect.

The cannon he spawned in that would shoot and thrust all over the map basically doing what he is banning people for today. Lagging the server, less then 24 hours ago. Reminder this is just one of the many things he was spawning in.

Additional members involved/witnessing: Not Vladimir Putin (TURNS OUT THIS IS THE COP)
Read, understood and followed staff report rules?: yea


Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

I would like to add if im blacklisted from being in a vehicle for never putting a car in the door or never vdming anyone never particapating in the wheelchair elavator thing, austin should be blacklisted from spawning in ballons and nukes and missiles, cannons and any props that lag the server, he should also be blacklisted from going invis to prevent abuse like in the video.
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Austin Hunter

Monolith Veteran
Oct 30, 2021


Years of Mono

Okay here we go,

1: Police Department Doors

This is the report you created and why you were released from the PD
14/06/2022, 10:38:36 PMGrizzly Winter's (Biggerfoot) (STEAM_0:0:61795631) (990) created a report (#138) with message: i have been handcuffed by this civ for over 1o miutes

I responded to the report, verified you had indeed been in there for 10 minutes and let you go. Yes, I unlocked the door instead of TPing you out because it worked better for the RP situation in the video I have of you running out of PD screaming bloody murder for the PD kidnapping you. So I actually am completely unsure how you are going to report me for handling a sit.

2: Blacklist from driving

This is the warning of the blacklist prior to:
14/06/2022, 11:08:31 PM Austin Hunter:
"Placing a vehicle in a closing door will result in a one week vehicle blacklist for the owner or last driver."

You saw it in chat, verbally acknowledged it, and decided to continue on anyways. Another player received a month ban for this which was approved by an SA. You only got the blacklist because you were following another player instead of starting the whole incident. I am sure when you were a kid you were told if you do this your parents will do z, y, or z. Did they follow through? They probably did. As staff we also follow through with the punishments we say we will do.

3: Baited Vladimir

14/06/2022, 10:53:57 PM*REDACTED FOR CONFIDENTIALITY* created a report (#141) with message: we need an admin the man named soklov just CL on us to avoid RP
Vladimir was banned for his conduct which was reported by another player. This video had been received and distributed to the staff team. If you notice Vladimir has lost his mentor rank and was punished as the outcome of the situation.

4. Canon, Balloons, Nukes

I have nothing to hide with that. You are entirely correct that I spawned in the cannon, balloons, and helped to boost the car. You were literally the only car on the road. One of the players inside the car asked for it and due to there being no reports I joined you all and had some fun. I do this literally every night to include last (6-14-22, a wall to keep Shay/Menacing from falling into the water which turned into a driving challenge to jump the wall. Along with a model rocket on the roof of the vehicle). On the night in question you can be seen on my recordings cracking up laughing saying this was the most fun you have had on Monolith in ages. You and members of your group also thanked me afterwards for the fun.

5. Conclusion

Had I known that you would try to make a frivolous report on me when you received a punishment you knew was coming in advance, I would not have done such things with you. As staff, we like to have fun as well. We mess around and believe it or not... We are fine with players minging and doing "minge-worthy" things. In moderation of course. The difference is: when something has the potential to crash the server we stop it. Hence why instead of any punishments for the bodies thrown in the door of hospital, the tricycle, or other items, I deleted it and let you continue. When it came to cars and other things were not only was it being "Mingey" it was breaking a game mechanic (the barriers) that are there for a reason. You were warned clearly and continued on. That was your own fault.

None of the items above you are reporting have any validity with me either abusing my role as a staff member nor do they have any rules or internal staff guidelines that I have broken. In fact, the entirety of yesterday and the situations is still recorded and available for any staff review team to see. To include the warnings before you drove the vehicle onto the curb, you stating that "oh Sh** im outta here" and you creating what I have now learned is a false report in the police department. That being said if you wish to continue the staff report I suggest editing out Vladimir. The reason I suggest such is because you can not submit a report for a situation that you were not involved in.

Austin Hunter

Monolith Veteran
Oct 30, 2021


Years of Mono

Also, if I did not respond to a section of your report or you want further clarification please let me know. I have no issue responding.


Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

This is the warning of the blacklist prior to:
14/06/2022, 11:08:31 PM Austin Hunter:
"Placing a vehicle in a closing door will result in a one week vehicle blacklist for the owner or last driver."
As you can see from the videos It was 2am so that was 3 hours before any of this happens so I was never warned and the blacklist was overbearing I believe.
I think just because I had a taxi and I was there you assumed I was partaking and if you did warn for a week ban and proceed to do a month ban for lagging the server even tho you literally do the same thing and don't tell the SAs that its hypocritical because your only allow to lag the server because your a admin.

That being said if you wish to continue the staff report I suggest editing out Vladimir. The reason I suggest such is because you can not submit a report for a situation that you were not involved in.
As you stated here
This is the report you created and why you were released from the PD
14/06/2022, 10:38:36 PMGrizzly Winter's (Biggerfoot) (STEAM_0:0:61795631) (990) created a report (#138) with message: i have been handcuffed by this civ for over 1o miutes
It Does involve vladimir, because he was the highest ranking officer on at the time so no one could demote him unless it was a admin.

I have nothing to hide with that. You are entirely correct that I spawned in the cannon, balloons, and helped to boost the car. You were literally the only car on the road. One of the players inside the car asked for it and due to there being no reports I joined you all and had some fun. I do this literally every night to include last (6-14-22, a wall to keep Shay/Menacing from falling into the water which turned into a driving challenge to jump the wall. Along with a model rocket on the roof of the vehicle). On the night in question you can be seen on my recordings cracking up laughing saying this was the most fun you have had on Monolith in ages. You and members of your group also thanked me afterwards for the fun.
With all do respect one of the members including myself did get kinda tired of it that's why I made the excuse of bitcoin is dropping I have to get off to make some investments and your a well known admin so even stating that we would like you to stop I feel kinda puts me/them in the position where we have to go along with it because of your position and not really wanting to make enemy's or start problems. It went on for over a hour and half. Also like to point out that nether of the people that went through this experience got back on the server yesterday or today.


Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

Also I would like you to respond to the 1 week vehicle blacklist, If it was truly as bad as your saying and that is it worst then you lagging the server, why are you just blacklisting instead of banning me for 1-3 days, when its clear as day you cannot play the server with a vehicle blacklist and when you come back you will get automatically get another huge ban because of this, its like wasting peoples time just so they can stay in trouble for longer impacting the health of the server in a greater capacity and allowing you to pick and choose in a bias fashion who gets the longer ban and who doesn't.

Another point I would like to make is not a single person the whole night got a vehicle in the door or even got in close to being in the door.
Another point I would like to make is your witness enough to ban that one gentlemen for a month and blacklist me for a week but not do anything about the people murdering people with the door as you can see in the video, which means you acting with bias and picking and choosing whom to ban and really didn't care about stopping the overall situation at hand just watching until you could do what you wanted.
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Austin Hunter

Monolith Veteran
Oct 30, 2021


Years of Mono

Okay perhaps there was some confusion...

The captain demoted Vladimir for other reasons. Vladimir (per my understanding) was SWAT. At no time did I interact with him. Vladimir's punishment was due to his own doing later on when he was in a personal vehicle as a civilian. That has nothing to do with the situation you were involved in.

Next, you could easily have PM'd me about the issue if you wanted to do so privately but again, the bitcoin excuse will not work as again, everything is recorded. You stated the bitcoin thing in layer 1 after I had removed all props and entities.

Finally in reviewing video and logs again,
Time of warning: 14/06/2022, 11:08:31 PM Statement: "Placing a vehicle in a closing door will result in a one week vehicle blacklist for the owner or last driver."
Approximate time of blacklist: 11:12 PM

I will not be responding to the rest of the above message as I have already replied via the original reply.


Monolith Grinder
Dec 31, 2021


Years of Mono

Violation: Uninvolved in Discussion
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Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

Also I would like you to respond to the 1 week vehicle blacklist, If it was truly as bad as your saying and that is it worst then you lagging the server, why are you just blacklisting instead of banning me for 1-3 days, when its clear as day you cannot play the server with a vehicle blacklist and when you come back you will get automatically get another huge ban because of this, its like wasting peoples time just so they can stay in trouble for longer impacting the health of the server in a greater capacity and allowing you to pick and choose in a bias fashion who gets the longer ban and who doesn't.

Another point I would like to make is not a single person the whole night got a vehicle in the door or even got in close to being in the door.
Another point I would like to make is your witness enough to ban that one gentlemen for a month and blacklist me for a week but not do anything about the people murdering people with the door as you can see in the video, which means you acting with bias and picking and choosing whom to ban and really didn't care about stopping the overall situation at hand just watching until you could do what you wanted.
I think you should explain yourself and just not refuse to give any explanation to the above statement.
You said you would respond so why don't you explain your actions if they are truthful and honest because I dont believe they are and you are just refusing to acknowledge it to basically plead the 5th because you can't get over the fact that you where biased and doing what you wanted not what is best for everyone and are guilty.


Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

You are literally no better then the people you are banning, the only reason your getting away with it is because your a admin end of story. Which is abuse.

Austin Hunter

Monolith Veteran
Oct 30, 2021


Years of Mono

Again Biggerfoot, you received a warning via chat. You then violated the rule. It is quite that simple. You have brought up no new evidence.


Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

Again Biggerfoot, you received a warning via chat. You then violated the rule. It is quite that simple. You have brought up no new evidence.
Bro the evidence is your abusing while invis, unlocking doors in the pd and that you blacklisted me from vehicles for no reason, other then your own misguided and bias beliefs and that you where not attempting to stop the chaos what so ever but let hell break loose and then pick and choose who you wanted to ban, not trying to stop it at all what so ever but do what austin's wants not what is best for everyone which is being a unbiased and fair and equal to everyone and I think thats why you believe your indifferent from everyone else and thats why you sit here and don't take any responsibility for your actions and play this game like your not doing wrong stuff as a admin, being hypocritical and banning people for the very offenses you are doing yourself, it's why you question the very nature of if I have any more evidence, like saying is that all,,,,, you need taste of your own medicine and some humble pie, maybe a lesson on what it means to be bias and a team leader. If you can't be the captain you sink the boat for everyone else and that person shouldn't have power.

P.s they heads will have to check to make sure what your posting is true because again I didn't see it and instead of sitting invis and waiting to ban people come down like a team leader and say hey im warning you don't do this, I dont wanna have to ban you but you like banning people.

Austin Hunter

Monolith Veteran
Oct 30, 2021


Years of Mono

Bro the evidence is your abusing while invis, unlocking doors in the pd
In reply to an admin situation you created.

blacklisted me from vehicles for no reason
you were warned via event chat the bright yellow that appears on everyone's screen
P.s they heads will have to check to make sure what your posting is true because again I didn't see it and instead of sitting invis and waiting to ban people come down like a team leader and say hey im warning you don't do this, I dont wanna have to ban you but you like banning people.
I put it in chat. What more warning do you need? Do you need to be frozen and told to read the chat and rules each time? If this is the case I suggest you use this week to read them.


Monolith Pleb
Jun 14, 2017


Years of Mono

Let me give you a example if you told me hey see that triangle shaped hole if you put this square peg in that triangle shaped hole im going to ban you, now logically you literally cannot complete the task because it is impossible, and then banning someone for apparently attempting to do it, thats the logic your working with and the logic that got me blacklisted and another gentlemen month banned, It doesn't make any sense what so ever. Its illogical, not of the proper state of thinking.

It never happened.
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Austin Hunter

Monolith Veteran
Oct 30, 2021


Years of Mono

Okay, well that is exactly what I said.
Breaking it down further:
"Placing a vehicle in a closing door will result in a one week vehicle blacklist for the owner or last driver."

Placing a vehicle - moving a vehicle into a spot or position within the map
in a closing door- A door which you knew closed as you had "will it door"ed multiple things and players.
will result in- What happens if you do what was said
a one week vehicle blacklist - A one week ban from cars
for the owner or last driver. - For the person that spawned the car in, or the person who operated the car into the position.

Please let me know what part needed more explanation in character so we can avoid miscommunications in the future.


Monolith Pleb
Mar 1, 2022


Years of Mono

Violation: Uninvolved in Discussion
<This message has been removed/edited by a Forum Moderator>


Monolith God
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

Locked for review.
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