I've made a full event suggestion year ago, i try my best to explain how it would work, but if you still in about something just reply this or dm melike this idea, but using money bags will have limitations. For example; How would people tackle/take the bag from someone? How would we make it fair so that you can't just hold the bag indefinitely? And so on. Rocket league style sports is something I'd be willing to try however.
If you have any ideas for events, leave a reply. It could be something you've just made up on the spot or an existing gamemode that for whatever reason we have not implemented yet.
Money Bag Soccer [Event]
Money Bag Soccer is a simple sport that follows the same idea of Soccer, you need to carry the Money Bag and pass it to another teamate, as it is a ball, until the bag reaches the player who is in front of the goal, on the atack line, so he can "kick" it and have the chance to point. The key to...