So today I recently made an Organization with the name "La Cosa Norsta". I pade 25k, I made a whole ass description, I made a discord server based on the Org and like an hour later me, Cheong Cho, and Yumi Stix aren't in the Org. I swear on my life I'm really angry and a Moderator told me to post a forum. Can you check logs for paying for Orgs? I never disbanded a 25k org, I never told my friends to disband it because I trust them from my school, I never had anyone else besides us 3 at the moment. Is there any way else I can show you proof? I was messaging The Formers Leader to ask if they wanted to ally and they wanted to. Want a screenshot of that? it was before La Cosa Norsta was disbanded for no reason. I had no notification or anything. I was on trying to rent a house, I noticed I wasn't in a Org, my friends said they still saw me in the Org, I said I don't see anything, I told them switch to Monolith 2 and they said alright we switched and none of us were in the Org. Please man I honestly didn't grind out 25k for it to be disbanded.
We hope to see you online soon!