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  1. Rommel

    Ban Appeal

    Due to you not responding within the 24 hour time limit this appeal is Denied and will be locked and moved.
  2. Rommel

    Ban Appeal

    I do not fully remember your case in game however I do recall having a report against you for Fail-RP which you were committing when I went to the person who made the report. After I talked to the person who made the report which I assume you were nearby during that time, and had a brief chat...
  3. Rommel

    Ban Appeal

    I would say your notes do not reflect what actually happened to well as you never told me your ping was acting up or anything of that sort. I do however believe that you are a newer player and its fair to assume you didn't know the exact rules although you should have read them prior to going...
  4. Rommel

    Player Report Brandon Mcbride

    Upon reviewing the evidence in this report the user will be issued a one day ban for RDM. This is due to the fact that you killed him whilst you were holding up and mugging him for his weapon and he seemed to be complying and unenquiring the weapon so that it could be dropped. This report is...
  5. Rommel


    This issue has been resolved after talking on discord and this appeal will be locked and moved to the handled section.
  6. Rommel


    On hold until I can speak with him regarding the issue in discord.
  7. Rommel

    Breaking Nlr and being ooc in rp

    The evidence given shows that Jamal Mathews did Failrp by repeatedly breaking character and saying things that should only be said in OOC or more appropriately a report instead of just saying those things in game. He also broke NLR due to the fact that he ran up to them saying all of those...
  8. Rommel

    Ban Request on Sam Wong/Justin Trimble (Moderator logs does not match what happened)

    This evidence clearly shows that Justin Trimble purposely killed the two of you with his vehicle. This is even more reinforced by the fact that he went to and instantly grabbed your weapons which were on the ground. There is more then enough evidence to punish him however at this moment in time...
  9. Rommel

    Ban Request - Bob Smith

    After reviewing this evidence myself as well im in agreement with @Major Lorne(Pmx) though you did receive a warn for the NLR which dealt with the NLR issue, The staff member dealing with the situation before did not have the evidence to prove or disprove the claim of RDM against you. With that...
  10. Rommel

    Unblack appeal

  11. Rommel

    Unban appeal for Tom Evola.

    I was asked to issue this ban by @Lola Meid so im going to give them a chance to review this as well before taking any action. In regards to the video, and how I view it. You role-played the situation very well and got him to take his gun away so it wasn't directly facing you though he could...
  12. Rommel

    Ride on the Wild Side [EVENT]

    EVENT CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY First off I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who got involved during the event from those on the cops and criminal side (all 40-50 of you). I also want to give a shoutout to our guest prisoner: Justin Sinclair (@Justin The Ungrateful ) Now in regards to the...
  13. Rommel

    Refund Request ( It was a known glitch on the server)

    From what me and carbon could tell, and from what ive been told it takes time for server 1 to sync with 2,s data and he left right after buying it, so when he joined and stayed on server 1 it was gone.
  14. Rommel

    Prop Booster Report

    I have looked into it and the situation has been resolved. The two I could clearly see do it in the video have been punished however I am still waiting to talk to one person afterwards. @WhiteWolf -because I apparently can move it to the handled reports section
  15. Rommel

    Ban request: Barry Lee

    As he is a member of staff I recommend you get this post moved or redo it under the staff report section rather than the ban request section. I also recommend you tag his name if possible so he sees this.
  16. Rommel

    Prop Booster Report

    I will be looking into this and the players names who I could see from the video, I'll update with any news about it when I have it.
  17. Rommel

    ban appeal

    This appeal is Declined your punishment was the result of your actions, and will stay in place until the ban is over.
  18. Rommel

    ban appeal

    I had no issue with you having another report on your issue but you need to understand the fact that I was dealing someone else's report first, and because I did not see what happened to you earlier myself you needed to make another report and have a full sit about it afterwards. There was no...
  19. Rommel

    ban appeal

    Let me sort a few things out here, the initial report against you was made against you for the reason of failrp. When I arrived to talk to the report holder about it he explained you were failing to comply with police whilst in cuffs. There were multiple officers around you (one of which had a...