Search results

  1. Rommel

    Refund Request :(

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will however have to leave a few things out that I either cannot see, or was claimed from your friends refund report with his picture. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues...
  2. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been Accepted. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member of community management for support regarding any issues you may have.
  3. Rommel

    Refund for a race engine

    Your refund has been Accepted. You may claim your refund at the refund teller within the bank. Whenever you are next online go to the teller and claim your refund at the refund NPC. If you have any issues claiming your refund please contact me or a member of the community management team for...
  4. Rommel

    Race engine refund request.

    Your refund has been accepted. You may claim your refund at the refund teller within the bank. Whenever you are next online go to the teller and claim your refund at that teller. If you have any issues claiming your refund please contact me or a member of the community management team for...
  5. Rommel

    Staff Abuse Report

    I am pretty sure that yours was amongst one of the ones closed for being past an our or two old. I may have forgotten to put a message in that one occasion for whatever reason, however I am pretty sure we did announce that old reports that were an hour or two old would be closed in the red...
  6. Rommel

    INFO Laws of Monolith

    Revised on 18-7-2023 IN EFFECT ON THE 14-08-2023 All citizens are responsible for staying up to date on laws and legislative information. Lack of knowledge is not an excuse for a violation. *Please note that laws may periodically update with no notice. It is the responsibility of the officers...
  7. Rommel

    Alex abernathy refund

    This request has been Accepted You were already given another TV in game and the other one (the one stuck in the map wall), should delete itself upon restart due to it being bugged, Due to that I am going to mark this as resolved and move it into the accepted section.
  8. Rommel

    Refund req

    Your request has been Accepted After some delegation with Chosen I have decided to accept this request. Your refund has been issued and you can collect it at the bank refund clerk. If you have any issues collecting your refund please contact me or another Senior Administrator to resolve the issue.
  9. Rommel

    Refund req

    If possible can you please include evidence of you owning the fridge as proof, because we do still require evidence of ownership, or proof showing how the item was lost.
  10. Rommel

    Refund Request

    I am sorry about that man but you need to provide a before and after, or one that shows the item when the server was crashing so we can prove that it was lost during a crash. With that being said this request is Denied due to not meeting the requirements set in our refund guidelines. In the...
  11. Rommel

    Desert Deagle Pistol Refund Request.

    Your application has been Denied. Your refund request does not meet the required criteria for us to accept this request. In the future please make sure you take evidence before and after, as well as proof of the rule break and the admins name in your occasion.
  12. Rommel

    Server Crash

    Your request has been Accepted. You will be issued a refund for the items that were deployed in the video due to the crash. You may collect your refund at the refund request teller/clerk in the bank. If you have an issue collecting your refund please contact me, or another senior administrator.
  13. Rommel

    Refund Request.

    Your request has been Accepted. due to us not having a prompt or blocker from allowing you to purchase goods at max inventory capacity we will refund you for the amount of money lost from the attempted purchase. You can collect your refund at the bank refund clerk. If you have any issues...
  14. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Do you have any evidence of the server crashing at that time other than just proving you have the table?
  15. Rommel

    Nick's Refund Request

    @Jordy♥ I will try but again he was banned due to the warning threshold so it was via console.
  16. Rommel

    Nick's Refund Request

    I can confirm that he was given permission to make this and the player was issued punishment for grabbing the items during an active raid/firefight. The items were not recovered due to the person being banned due to reaching the warning threshold. @Jordy♥
  17. Rommel

    I lost my levles

    Hello, I am very sorry about your situation however according to rule #3 in regards to refund requests we do require evidence of your levels to be able to refund them. Please make a habit of taking screenshots of your levels and items every once in awhile to prevent this kind of loss in the...
  18. Rommel

    Lost all crafting benchs

    Rule #3. You must provide valid evidence of your items. Statements from others is not valid evidence. This means you must get into the habit of taking screenshots of your inventory, purchases, etc. We do not keep logs for people to use as evidence for a refund request. Denied, unfortunately you...
  19. Rommel

    refund request

    Accepted, we have issued your Refund Request. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact the Server Director or a member of the Community Management team.
  20. Rommel

    Ban Appeal.

    After thinking about this situation in game and the conversation we had , I think it is fair to say that everything you did was not intentional. The reason you were banned is due to the amount of people that were technically killed because of it. With that being said since the entire situation...