Steam Name: RedSpeeds
SteamID: 76561198133999766
RP Name: Walter Scott
Date and time of loss (specify the time zone): 09/3/24 21:00 GMT+1
What happened: Bank raid getting voided due to SWAT not valuing hostage's live
What do you need refunded? 1 Mac-11, 1 Lockpick, 2 Drills...
Steam Name: RedSpeeds
SteamID: 76561198133999766
RP Name: Walter Scott
Date and time of loss (specify the time zone): 03/03 20:00
What happened: My 3 factory crushers got wiped during the wipe
What do you need refunded? 3 Factory crushers
Evidence: Unable to provide due to wipe...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: heater
Target SteamID: 76561198207739249
Target Character Name (if known): Alex Herrera
Request Reason: Job abuse
When did the situation occur?: Today
Your evidence to support your...
I think that if at all possible we should do the same the french did and spin up a partner server under different management with a heavier focus on HL2RP it could have it own devs focused on the HL2 content while the main devs still create content for the core monoframework. This would also...
Hey there i told you to stop in voice chat but you ran away so ig on your side you didnt hear me, from my pov i told you to stop with a gun out and you ran. Sorry about the misunderstanding.
In-Game Name: Walter Scott
Steam Name: RedSpeeds
SteamID: 76561198133999766
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): 27/3/22
What happened: Server crash
What do you need refunded: 8x Steel bars, 28 copper, 23 iron
PD Later said they found a lot more on you. Also it turns out you have a weapon blacklist makes me wonder if thats why you disconnected huh this would also back me up that i would have won the raid.
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: Don Tommyy
Target SteamID: 76561198193426414
Target Character Name (if known):
Request Reason: Disconnecting to avoid raid
When did the situation occur?: 13/1/21 1PM GMT+1
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