Id also like to chime in on this, When i obtained a blueprint and surrendered my group was preparing to raid the PD and arroyo teleports to one of my group members @Tye and tells him to not bother raiding as blueprints get destroyed once they get confiscated he said. We decided to raid to...
I was talking to @KatsuFox who was standing next to me about non-ingame activities mostly about vrchat. We were in monolith discord at the time in accordance to the rules. Also this clip was recorded about 3 weeks ago if not longer why your bringing this up now?
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: Ryder
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:430360667
Target Character Name (if known): Antwan Marcus
Request Reason: Corruption, Glitch abusing
When did the situation occur?: Today
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: carkiller66666
Target SteamID: 76561198799670638
Target Character Name (if known): N/A
Request Reason: AVDM
When did the situation occur?: 2 days ago
Your evidence to support your...
In-Game Name: Walter Scott
Steam Name: RedSpeeds
SteamID: 76561198133999766
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): yesterday
What happened: Rule breaks
What do you need refunded: 1 KSG-12, 1 Kevlar & Helmet
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: (λ)KuroShukun
Target SteamID: 76561198019245686
Target Character Name (if known):
Request Reason: RDA - Corruption
When did the situation occur?: Today
Your evidence to support your...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: jimmy_Bach
Target SteamID: 76561199119617507
Target Character Name (if known): N/A
Request Reason: Combat taze
When did the situation occur?: Today
Your evidence to support your...
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