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  1. Walter Scott


    Just a general message to everyone dont harass/spam @heyitskev about this let the people who have a say in this look at it please
  2. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your Steam ID: 76561198133999766 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Walter Scott Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @heyitskev Reason for Report: Conflict of interest Time of Occurrence: Today Evidence to support your claim...
  3. Walter Scott

    Ban appeal

    Well then what is this? Kev asked if i had edited anything to which i sent him another screenshot proofing i didnt (). Neither do i have any history of this nor do i have a incentive to do this as i have plenty of money on my end so why would i wanna scam a staff member? Do i look like a...
  4. Walter Scott

    Ban appeal

    Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:86867019 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Ban Length: 1 Month Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @heyitskev Ban Reason: Attempted scamming Unban Reason: I didnt scam or attempted...
  5. Walter Scott

    [Poll #2] What do you think of Sunset WinterFord?

    Imma say worse as i have been experiencing vast amounts of lag on this map on the server side might be due to too msny players but we will see
  6. Walter Scott

    Calm down there jeff bezos

    Calm down there jeff bezos
  7. Walter Scott

    EVENT MonoAwards Final Voting 2021!!!

    Me of course :P but in all seriousness how did that happen o_O
  8. Walter Scott

    Great to see the great report wall of china has been brought down to its knees

    Great to see the great report wall of china has been brought down to its knees
  9. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: 76561198133999766 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: mak Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:99753706 Target Character Name (if known): Jah mylan Request Reason: Player disrespect When did the situation occur?: About a week ago Your evidence to...
  10. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your Steam ID: 76561198133999766 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Walter Scott Admin being reported: @Quantum Reason for Report: FailRP Time of Occurrence: Yesterday Evidence to support your claim...
  11. Walter Scott

    Would you have it lots of them have indeed been banned already. I can predict the future xD

    Would you have it lots of them have indeed been banned already. I can predict the future xD
  12. Walter Scott

    Hats, Hats, Hats!

    How much for the haunted tophat because that thing aint worth 1.25M
  13. Walter Scott

    False Unwarranted Abusive Police Raid

    top right corner was not covered and we were able to see an open weed tent
  14. Walter Scott

    PR VDM

    We just came back from a cargo raid was trying to break out tye and i lagged at that moment running over tye instead on accident.
  15. Walter Scott


  16. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: 76561198133999766 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: Wolv.- Target SteamID: 76561198159973012 Target Character Name (if known): Unknown Request Reason: 2.2.6 Surrendered parties (in a Raid, Mugging, Kidnapping and/or Robbery) may not...
  17. Walter Scott

    Johnathan Doyna Montage V3

    when he shot the swat with its hands up and when he shot the guy doing lsd in the back
  18. Walter Scott

    Johnathan Doyna Montage V3

    i count 2 rule breaks for this video alone
  19. Walter Scott

    Another "FragTage"

    yay for once a fragtage with good music great job
  20. Walter Scott

    PR on Walter Scott

    I understand what you were saying however there were no other solution also im no longer a mentor sadly but your argument stands