Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your Steam ID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Walter Scott
Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @heyitskev
Reason for Report: Conflict of interest
Time of Occurrence: Today
Evidence to support your claim...
Well then what is this? Kev asked if i had edited anything to which i sent him another screenshot proofing i didnt (). Neither do i have any history of this nor do i have a incentive to do this as i have plenty of money on my end so why would i wanna scam a staff member? Do i look like a...
Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Ban Length: 1 Month
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @heyitskev
Ban Reason: Attempted scamming
Unban Reason: I didnt scam or attempted...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: mak
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:99753706
Target Character Name (if known): Jah mylan
Request Reason: Player disrespect
When did the situation occur?: About a week ago
Your evidence to...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your Steam ID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Walter Scott
Admin being reported: @Quantum
Reason for Report: FailRP
Time of Occurrence: Yesterday
Evidence to support your claim...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: Wolv.-
Target SteamID: 76561198159973012
Target Character Name (if known): Unknown
Request Reason: 2.2.6 Surrendered parties (in a Raid, Mugging, Kidnapping and/or Robbery) may not...
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