You could and should have been more descriptive and also does not really explain why you closed it again after i reopened it especially after i PMed you to clarify
The chief gave permission for SWAT to be on but not permission for them to be patrolling. The chief said that you could be on SWAT for as long as you still had you gear as long as you didn't go around in your bearcat. This also shows the fact you didnt discuss your actions with the chief before...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Walter Scott
Admin being reported: @SwimmingBird
Reason for Report: Abuse of staff powers to protect/help his friend - Abuse of staff power by demoting all SWAT force for no good reason
Time of...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name:
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235512970
Target Character Name (if known): James Smith
Request Reason: Excessive mic spam and excessive use of explicit
When did the situation...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Which Staff issued the Warning Point: @tazdevil335
Reason for the warning point(s):
Why should the point(s) be removed: While i understand...
Ping pong OwO? Alright so here is my story. When i was approaching from a call from PD my ambulance got hit by bullets i thought these bullets came from criminals which is why i tried to run them over for my safety seeing the video it looks like the bullets actually came from the PD instead of...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: scottydotty
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:440285364
Target Character Name (if known): Unknown
Request Reason: Suicide to prevent arrest
When did the situation occur?: Today
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: Apollo
Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460886275
Target Character Name (if known): Ralf Leach
Request Reason: Inappropriate language
When did the situation occur?: Today
I agree the shooting of the person was wrong however the situation was already handled and regarding the arrest the person i shot in the vehicle was spotted at the bank and was carrying a bag with cash in it so its only natural for me to assume the passenger who also has a bag in his inventory...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Walter Scott
Admin being reported: @SwimmingBird
Reason for Report: Biased response towards blacklist appeal
Time of Occurrence: Yesterday
Evidence to support your claim...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Which Staff blacklisted you: @SwimmingBird , @Balldrip
What were you blacklisted from: Police
Blacklist Length: 1 Week
Blacklist Reason: Shooting a person who was unarmed
Unblacklist Reason: So there...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Which Staff blacklisted you: Requested by @gm1003 enforced by @SCOTTISH
What were you blacklisted from: Physgun
Blacklist Length: 1 day
Blacklist Reason: Proppush
Unblacklist Reason: This blacklist...
In-Game Name: Walter Scott
Steam Name: RedSpeeds
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Date and time of loss: 15/05/2020 13:12
What happened: Person took the moneybag and deposited the money from it the moment he got it
What do you need refunded: 6K
Evidence: @Apecengo
The reason for posting here instead of the report is due to the fact the situation was not handled in game as the report was taken 30 minutes after it occurred and the player in question had already logged out
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: simp
Target SteamID: 76561198843990102
Target Character Name (if known): Unknown
Request Reason: Breaking FearRP and meta-gaming
When did the situation occur?: Today around 12PM...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your SteamID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name: Walter Scott
Target Steam Name: Supℝa
Target SteamID: 76561198091945703
Target Character Name (if known): Unknown
Request Reason: FearRP running away undergun point
When did the situation occur?: Today around...
Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds
Your Steam ID: 76561198133999766
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Walter Scott
Admin being reported: @Shimax
Reason for Report: FearRP. Pulled out a gun while under gunpoint and proceeded to load it even when told to put up his hands
Time of Occurrence...
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