
  1. Johnny_boy23

    Ban appeal

    Your Steam Name:Sonny LoSpecchio Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82115390 Your Character Name:Sonny LoSpecchio Ban Length: 2 days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Mike Ban Reason: "Mingegrab" Time of Occurrence: 7/21/17 1:33 EST. Relevant Evidence: My friend broke me...
  2. Johnny_boy23

    My ban appeal.

    Your Steam Name: Johnny Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82115390 Your Character Name: Sonny LoSpecchio Ban Length:3 Days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Tyrome McLovin Ban Reason: RDM Time of Occurrence: 3:54 EST Relevant Evidence: I was not recording at the time. But...
  3. Grahpes

    False Ban For 1 Day

    SoManyGrapez STEAM_0:0:171959368 Kurtis Grapes 1 Day Perry +attack while afk 1:1Pm maybe i'm not sure I don't even know what +attacking means i was just getting some copper and then all of a sudden i got banned Kody Anderson we were in discord together when it happend
  4. Grahpes

    False Ban For 1 Day...

    I just got banned for "+attacking while afk" first off idek what that means. second i was sitting in the mine getting some copper and then all of a sudden i got banned by Perry. I wasnt even talked to about the situation i was just automatically banned.
  5. angry italian grand dad

    The Good Fellas / Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: angry italian man Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:146761609 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Paulie Pellegrino Ban Length: 1 week Admin who banned you: Whiteblood Ban Reason: Racism Time of Occurrence: Around 3:45 (CST) on 6/22/17 Relevant Evidence: I was walking around with a...
  6. LilxPump420


    Your Steam Name:LilxPump420 Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187135080 Your Character Name (If Applicable) Donnel Chapman Ban Length:6 Hour Admin Who Banned You: Mark Ban Reason: Fear Rp Lying to Staff(Which is all false.) Time of Occurrence:4 minutes ago Relevant Evidence: No evidence I did anything...
  7. The Real Carl Azuz

    Ban Appeal
