Passed interview and accepted as a native.Name: Karley Grei
Steam Name: Karlee Grey
Discord Name and Tag#: goon#7362
How active are you?: 8+ hours every day
Player Level: 55
Current Wealth: Bank has only around 5k due to money spent on LSD/Weed equipment. And crafting tables
Current Organization / Past Organizations: None Yet
Why should we accept you?: I really enjoy playing on this server and im willing to grind for money/xp any time im online. I am active almost every day and during that time I am either leveling up my stats or making money.
What do you bring to our organization? I can bring the organization protection. I dont have many weapons but I am leveling up my crafting to be able to make weapons. I could also help members who need access to tools for growing marijuana or making LSD
We hope to see you online soon!