Search results

  1. Walter Scott

    Huge False Raid Including Staff/Players You can hear you falling unconscious which gave us reason to enter your property due to possible reason for a person in distress which would allow for your detainment and search for a possible person in...
  2. Walter Scott


    @Skies Is the one your looking for. Im the guy with the pink scarf (The one that died first :( )
  3. Walter Scott


    We managed to accidentally get on your freq and the moment you learned we were doing jewlery you guys said you would be waiting at dropoff and behold your shelby omni is parked right in long tunnel and started following us the moment we drove past you can see in the clip you stopped your car we...
  4. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: 76561198133999766 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: mr buck, Alfie Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91060312, STEAM_0:1:88569324 Target Character Name (if known): John Buck, Alfie Mikael, John Mikael Request Reason: Metagaming - Camping drop...
  5. Walter Scott

    PR - FearRP

  6. Walter Scott

    PR - FearRP

    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: [AU] Kugen [AD] Target SteamID: 76561198067686692 Target Character Name (if known): Skye Porter Request Reason: FearRP When did the situation occur?: Today Your evidence to support...
  7. Walter Scott

    Player Report

    I indeed ordered them to investigate the house. I also approved of the ticket as disturbing of the peace is a offense. Im not sure what led up to your search of person or who executed it but we found weed on your person giving us cause to raid the property where we found more weed later you were...
  8. Walter Scott


    The fact your calling me retarded and saying all furries must be killed along with further down the line (not in clip) you calling all furries zoophiles
  9. Walter Scott


  10. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: DB KILLER Target SteamID: 76561198063250842 Target Character Name (if known): Unknown Request Reason: Player disrespect When did the situation occur?: Today Your evidence to support...
  11. Walter Scott

    GTA 4 Monolith Loading Screen EXTENDED

    @Thy Can we make this the loading screen?
  12. Walter Scott

    Liao Fragtage

    The MP7 is classified as BrokenTM
  13. Walter Scott


    FearRP applies when you are exposed to at least two or more held (actively held, not in holster/on back) weapons, whereof at least one is directly pointed at you / off safety. Should have gotten 2 officers
  14. Walter Scott

    GUIDE Spookfest potions

    Ah ha Thanks ill edit it do you know if marasmius has any positive effects? or is it only slowness?
  15. Walter Scott

    GUIDE Spookfest potions

    So i set out to find what potions does what and i think i found out here is the list. Deathcap: The names says it. it kills you Earthstar: Set both hunger and thirst to 0 DO NOT USE! Marasmius: Makes you slower and increases your armor x2 Stropharia: Increases your weapons damage output...
  16. Walter Scott


    In-Game Name: Walter Scott Steam Name: RedSpeeds SteamID: 76561198133999766 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): Today What happened: Police broke nego rules What do you need refunded: 1 Vector 1 MR96 1 Drill 1 Lockpick Evidence: @dubsmaster Read, understood and followed refund...
  17. Walter Scott

    Police Report - Unauthorized corruption

    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: 76561198133999766 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: Easy_E12 Target SteamID: 76561198190992146 Target Character Name (if known): Unknown Request Reason: Corruption (Releasing suspects during a court case) When did the situation...
  18. Walter Scott


    Pinging @Jamal Hisin as he was the one that made a report in game
  19. Walter Scott


    Olla. This was handled in game already. Chief instructed us to put a checkpoint inside of the long tunnel and the SGT put it in there i had nothing to do with the placement of the checkpoint. This was about a week ago so i dont recall who was the staff that took the sit however if you disagree...
  20. Walter Scott

    Rant on suggestions getting removed...

    Really? I thought SOD had one of the highest paychecks in the game. Anyhow if players are threatening staff on a regular basis id say we need to punish these people. You threatening a staff member's family because you aint getting what you want? Here have a perma ban! Add a rule saying you are...