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  1. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Which Staff issued the Warning Point: @Brad Reason for the warning point(s): FearRP Why should the point(s) be removed: I believe the warning point...
  2. Walter Scott

    Attempting To Exploit / Fear Rp

    Thats what i call a slideshow. I didnt hit him at all i tried to flee yes but thats a bit of a duh situation there if 2 people jump out of their cars with class 3s does that give you reason to shoot me i dont think so EDIT: Also may i ask why i can hear another voice without there being a radio...
  3. Walter Scott

    Attempting To Exploit / Fear Rp

    Also on a side note regarding any and all reports against me do notice they are never longer than 10 seconds considering if they would be they would show a whole can of worms of them breaking other rules
  4. Walter Scott

    Attempting To Exploit / Fear Rp

    WOW Ok again with cutting the video not showing the point where you straight up shot my car up without cause also mate your mic is so quite i could not hear anything you were saying also you already shot my car before telling me to get out so i dont need to get out of my car considering you are...
  5. Walter Scott


    Got any additional proof to show that? Feel free to upload that
  6. Walter Scott

    RedSpeeds PR

    They called me to pd there was no one at pd but I see a pd car at draw bridge so I assume I was needed there I position my car in such a way I can't get ran over easily because people drive over the bridge like a mad Max so that why I was there
  7. Walter Scott


    Forgot to mention that was caused due to me losing control after a popped tire and I'm sorry about that one
  8. Walter Scott


    Naturally you would only cut the video in such a way you mask your own faults. First off you kill the entire PD in front of me and when I try to flee you immediately shoot me giving me KOS on you then when I pass by my car gets shot and when I return I get shot again at which point I'm fearing...
  9. Walter Scott

    RedSpeeds PR

    This sit was already handled by @StewartJames on all aspects. Basically you fired on my car I witnessed you killing a cop there is a big open road which would give you ample opportunity to kill me so my safest option was trying to murder you with my car
  10. Walter Scott


    After rewatching it he does have reason to kill me - Close report
  11. Walter Scott

    Gabriel Supermarket

    Names: RedSpeeds RP Names : Walter Scott What are you ordering : 1 Gas mask - 2 Gas filters Total : 11K - 7% = 10,230 Notes : Destiny member
  12. Walter Scott


  13. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: ReRe Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:439777284 Target Character Name (if known): Unknown Request Reason: RDM - Killing me during a raid while i had my hands up When did the situation...
  14. Walter Scott


    Your Steam Name: RedSpeeds Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86867019 Your Character Name: Walter Scott Target Steam Name: Fatal1st Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:104881701 Target Character Name (if known): Request Reason: RDM When did the situation occur?: Today Your evidence to support your claim...
  15. Walter Scott

    Redspeeds player report

    That's true which is why there are 2 drop off spots I couldn't have known she would go to this one I was just lucky also you claim my org member mentioned the information of the bank raid in ooc which is not true she called it out over org radio so that's in no way ooc information
  16. Walter Scott

    Redspeeds player report

    :confused: But if there is a report already active why is there another one here this is getting dangerously close to player targeting my dude. Also i was not at the NPC i was at the cliff
  17. Walter Scott

    Player Report

    Well i have robbed banks before hence me knowing where the dropoff spot is so thats not metagaming because i already obtained the knowledge IC (And i cant find any rule stating it isn't allowed and i have had it done to me before) No need for hostility. I was already very tensed up considering...
  18. Walter Scott

