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  1. PiffTheSeal


    it doesn't matter what video it is really, i dont know why you're pushing it like it changes anything, theres no rule that would invalidate my evidence simply cause i was supposedly using it against him according to you and time frame of me receiving the video, me reporting to thanewolfe and...
  2. PiffTheSeal


    Also if anything if im looking through DMs since we knew yall were metagaming against us in game, Bre had a image sent to me prior of ethan metagaming which is this right here a DM between us two the 15th so if anything it was this i was talking about
  3. PiffTheSeal


    Well actually here's the time and date when i downloaded it, and then a few minutes later i sent it to thanewolfe which is shown here So this is to show i didn't have any idea of that video prior to messaging that to deshawn/shabzino which shown here shows that i messaged him on the 15th and...
  4. PiffTheSeal


    Also i reported yall in private the same day i got the clip which was on the 17th at midnight around 1AM est, and i sent that message to deshawn on the 15th when i ddint have anything against him or yall
  5. PiffTheSeal


    It doesn't matter what clip i was talking about, you're still metagaming lmfao, like can you not get that through your head, it doesn't invalidate evidence just because of that message if anything
  6. PiffTheSeal


    That’s not blackmail what bre did, she wanted her money that she loaned to ethan or she would report him for scamming, it’s not blackmail it’s simple really, she gave him a loan and she wanted it paid back asap, you obviously are too far up your ass to understand anything properly. Also he’s...
  7. PiffTheSeal


    You have no evidence of Bre blackmailing, you’ve yet to show it, that’s me not bre unless I speak for Bre now and my actions correlate with hers, and bro do you not read, I said I was bluffing, and you never showed the video about bre whatever you were threatening I even DMed you to ask if you...
  8. PiffTheSeal


    He’s not included in the report, I mentioned him, but as I don’t have any evidence of him metagaming, besides knowing that he knowingly lets you guys metagame, so I’m not blackmailing regardless and I only said that cause I was annoyed that he blacklisted me for saying something against MSide...
  9. PiffTheSeal


    I didn’t attempt to blackmail either of them not in-game or outside, I can show my messages between Trae and Pablo, I did talk to Pablo outside and have our banter against each other, but I didn’t blackmail neither of the two Also I don’t see why it matters since it doesn’t right their wrongs...
  10. PiffTheSeal


    @Backflare can you lock the report for now since he’s not going to add any relevant information nor has the other party responded just so we can keep it at this since I don’t think anyone else has anything to add that contributes.
  11. PiffTheSeal


    Are you stupid? The report I made is on topic and everything I’m adding to the report information wise is apart of the report, you are not contributing in any manner to the report, but be my guest and continue to provide useless or irrelevant information and end up getting the report locked so...
  12. PiffTheSeal


    Literally a rule for reports: “Always stay on-topic. Don't start other discussions or arguments that are not relevant to that Player Report” Your “proof” against Bre has nothing to do with this report, so it’s off topic and it’s just you slapping shit here for no reason and hoping to get off...
  13. PiffTheSeal


    If you’re actually reporting someone, make a separate report, if that’s what your plan is, showing someone else metagaming or breaking rules on a report that basically has nothing pertaining to them isn’t going to do anything to once again defend your case or explain why you’re metagaming
  14. PiffTheSeal


    We don’t need direct proof of you in discord, we can hear you two talking through a third party communications app be it discord, Skype or fucking Teamspeak after you were killed by the cop, so it’s quite obvious you two were metagaming, and haven’t proved it otherwise and blackmail isn’t a rule...
  15. PiffTheSeal


    Also Your report can be denied based on time-frame discrepancy. You should make your report within a reasonable time-frame of when the issue was initially issued / or when it transpired. and The EXCEPTION to this rule is any major-rule break being reported. The purpose of this rule is to...
  16. PiffTheSeal


    Its not older than a month, it was posted on November 8th until it was unfortunatly taken down, and apart from the blackmail i dont need to say who since they know who they are and it adds nothing to the actual report here being you metagaming unless you have something to add that would prove...
  17. PiffTheSeal


    I could say the same to you and blackmailing other people, but thats besides the point, metagaming is metagaming and i reported it a while ago actually directly to higher staff, but nothing was done since.
  18. PiffTheSeal


    Since the video isn't working anymore heres the video again
  19. PiffTheSeal


    Your Steam Name: Piff Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155574178 Your Character Name: Jackson Brown Target Steam Name: YoungHabby, Cudder Target SteamID: :STEAM_0:1:122905120, STEAM_0:0:29849330 Target Character Name (if known): Pablo Young, Trae Deuce Request Reason: Metagaming When did the situation...
  20. PiffTheSeal

    False Arrest

    Yeah, I didn’t even bring up this fact, I literally dealt with someone doing the same ahit yesterday as captain